one | ALLEYS

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A/N: Hey, this is my story. I'm going to guess that you came over from my other Gotham story, based around Jerome/Jeremiah, but if not, it's nice to see some new faces too ;) I suggest that you read all of the chapters, for character development. Like, The Spirit of the Goat chapter may seem unimportant but I cannot stress how MASSIVELY important it is, towards the end.

But, if you're here to just get a look at your favourite characters, then I guess you can skip :) (I would recommend not to tho)

Okay, here we go.


THE GOTHAM CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT was a house of horrors. More commonly known as the G.C.P.D, it looked like hell on Earth. It definitely was an upgrade to the streets in Gotham, where it was dangerous going to grab a carton of juice from the dingy shops.

"I need my pills," a large man stressed as he was pushed into the G.C.P.D, his arms behind his back.

He was ignored, so he growled out once more, "I need my pills."

"You wish," the police woman in front of him rolled her eyes at the man, since she had seen about several people exactly like him in the past hour.

"Come on, where are my pills?"

The woman ignored him as he was brought closer to the cells, where it was crammed with other people.

"Back, back. Come on," she ordered the men and women in the cells, who hesitantly moved away from the door as she tried to unlock it with her key.

She didn't get far.

The man being restrained behind her fought off the other officer, before grabbing the woman and holding her in a headlock, his arm around her neck. He reached into her belt and pulled out a gun, screaming, "Where are my pills?!"

He shot a few rounds in the air, and all of the officers turned to face him, pointing their guns at him. In response, he held the gun against the head of the struggling woman in his arms.

Harvey Bullock looked up from his newspaper, not even fazed by the outburst.

"Give me my pills, bitch," the man continued.

"Hold your fire!" A new voice shouted.

A man, a detective, jogged down the stairs, "Hold your fire! I got this! Hold your fire."

When the younger detective reached the man, he moved a few officers out the way so he could get a better look at him.

"Easy, easy. Sir, look at me. Not at them, look at me. My name's Jim, Jim Gordon. What's yours?"

The bald man flinched, sweat dripping down his pale forehead, "I need my pills."

"Okay, everything's gonna be all right," Jim assured him. "Look at me."

Jim noticed something on the desk next to him. Picking up the bottle of aspirin, he showed it to the man.

"I got your pills right here. Huh? You want some pills?" Jim reached forward, slowly moving his hand with the pills in it over, "Here you go, here you go. Here are some pills for you, alright?"

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