forty one | THE PAST

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OK OK OK AHAHHAHA. I've just noticed. You know the thumbnail for the episode "Anything for You" (in Gotham duh) ahahahah doesn't Penguin look like that guy who goes "SHE IS VERY GORGEOUS TO ME!" Ahahah ahahahaha I cant unsee it.

This chapter is, surprise surprise, gonna be about the past, but it's not about Bella.

Triggers: abuse. Listen, I get that I've already come across abuse with Bella and her mum, but to me this is even more fucked up.

No, it's defo more fucked up. Dark shit.

I'm not putting anymore triggers, because it ruins the tension.


EDWARD NYGMA WASN'T ALWAYS wrong in the head, as a light way to put it.

That doesn't mean he was ever a happy boy.

Even when he was born, tragedy had stuck; his mother had died horribly in birth. It didn't get any better, with his father blaming him for it all.

They lived in the slums throughout most of his life. Where he, as he grew older, would sometimes have to steal food, as his father was too deep in some woman or didn't care enough to go to the shops.

But, who cared? It was one less scumbag-to-be on the street if Ed did die of starvation or his father's beatings, so none of the rich who were 'oh-so-charitable' really gave a shit.

One day, however, it all got a bit brighter for Ed.

When he was eight years old, his father had brought home a girlfriend. Ed was nervous, expecting the woman to treat him just as bad as his father did.

He was so wrong.

Olivia Watkins was the nicest person he had ever met.

The woman, in reality, was living much poorer than them, and understood that the only way for it to get better was to lose her self-worth, and sell her body to a strange man, and then steal his things while he wasn't looking.

Some could call her a gold-digger, or just a thief, but she was doing what she needed to survive. No one gave two shits about some 'prostitute' who didn't have the means or money to defend herself.

As soon as she arrived in John Nygma's disgusting little slum, she almost questioned whether it was better than where she used to reside.

Maybe she should've just gone back?

But, as soon as Olivia saw little Ed's face that day, she realised she could put aside the ideas of going back to the place she hated more than anything else, even if it was nicer.

The pair got close, with the woman trying to protect the boy from his father's abusive actions, and the boy just being content with the only mother he had.


"You stupid fucking whore!"

Olivia pushed a nine year old Ed behind her, edging him towards the door.

"John, please," the woman forced out, almost shaking as she watched the beefy man effortlessly throw a chair into the wall beside them.

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