thirty three | HUMAN POPSICLES

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hello again.


A SIREN HOWLED IN THE DISTANCE, as a dispatcher spoke into the radio with a quick, but still monotone voice, as if he wasn't reporting something so serious.

"All units, all units, reported armed abduction near the 300 block of Kearny Avenue. Any and all available officers in the area, please respond."

A police car swiftly pulled up near the scene: where a man was leaning into the boot of his van, which he soon moved away from and shut.

"G.C.P.D," the woman said as she got out of the car. The man turned to smile at her with a friendly glint in his eyes, but he wasn't exactly kind.

"Is there a problem, Officer?"

"There's been an abduction in the area," she explained with a sigh.

"How awful."

"Have you seen anything tonight? Anything out of the ordinary?"

He didn't hesitate, shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head, "No. Can't say that I have."

Her eyes narrowed, "Do you live in the area, sir?"

"Uh, not far," he told her, noticing her sudden suspicion, and turning back to his vehicle.

"What's your address?"

He paused, turning back to her, "Well, what I mean to say, I used to live in the area. I moved."

She took sudden steps towards him, "Would you open the back for the van, please, sir?"

He gritted his teeth in annoyance, "Sure thing. Happy to."

And he did as she asked, stepping aside to let her see in. She gasped at the sight of the dead frozen man.

"What the-"

He quickly pushed her back, causing her to shriek as he grabbed his weapon.

The only thing he could focus on was her once brown eyes turning a light shade of grey, resembling a dead fish. Ice froze over her body, and more sirens echoed in the distance.

When more officers arrived, the man and his vehicle were gone - leaving a human popsicle behind in their wake.


"Stop! Stop, stop, stop!" Isabella cried, giggles escaping her as Harvey relentlessly tickled her sides with a wide grin on his face.

"You gotta say the password," he replied in a sing-song voice, mentally cooing at her.

"Uncle Harvey is the best uncle in the world! Uncle Harvey is the best unc-"

He stopped, chucking at her bright red face from laughing so hard.

"See, that wasn't so-"

He was interrupted by the sound of loud clapping, and the pair both turned to see a group of officers patrol in, along with Barnes who was holding a man. Penguin.

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