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  JIM LOOKED DOWN AT THE BODY, that had a bullet hole in it and belonged to someone who was a homeless man. Blood was dried around the poor man's shirt, and there was a bullet hole in his chest.

He noticed the chain around the guy's neck, and lifted it up with a pen he kept with him.

He sighed sadly when he saw that the dead homeless man used to be a soldier in the army. He was so focused on the body, that he didn't realise that Selina Kyle was behind him, watching what he was doing.

Harvey walked up to the side of him, a cup of coffee in his hand, "I got you one, but I dropped it."

"Yeah, thanks. Where is everybody?"

"I don't know."

"What do you think?" Jim asked, as Harvey loudly sipped his drink.

"I think it's been a long shift. We give this bum three hours, then we knock off."

"He was a vet."

"I salute his service. Now he's a dead bum. People are shooting bums all the time. We might as well be looking for the tooth fairy."

Another officer stepped towards them, "Hey, guys."

"Hey, Bo."

"How come you weren't here?" Jim asked, his tone obviously angry.

"Whoa, whoa. Good morning to you too."

"Where were you?"

"I was at a restaurant doe the street here. Chez Vous. They had some... homeless junkie kid fell through their front window last night. I've been taking care of that."

"This is a potential murder," Jim forced the words out, rather than saying something much ruder. "You're first responder. Supposed to preserve the integrity of the crime scene."

"He's got a point," Harvey agreed.

"Oh, the restaurant pays me fifty a month to look out for them. So I'm gonna babysit a dead wino? I got a family."

"He's got a point," Harvey repeated, this time turning to Jim.

"Why'd the kid jump through the window?"

"Who knows? He was high."

Jim gave him a look, "Did you ask him?"

"Why am I the bad guy here?"

"I'm asking about the kid because maybe he's related to the victim. You're not a bad guy. You're just a bad cop."

"Oh! Who are you talking to?"

The cop tried to lunge for Jim, only for Harvey to intervene.

"Hey!" He shouted, when his coffee cup dropped to the floor.


"And then Zeb and Smoke went right down. And that's when that wacky dude just shot Soldier. That's when I realised, I needed to get out of there! So I ran and ran, and that's how I ended up on the floor of that restaurant!" The boy explained to Harvey and Jim.

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