twelve | HALY'S CIRCUS

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A/N: There's a big time skip in this, only because nothing really major happens in the episodes after this. Aside from the Jonathan Crane part, the only episode that something really fundamental to this story happens is the Jerome episode. HAHAHA I KNEW YOU WERE WAITING FOR JEROME, AND HE WILL BE HERE. THE MESSIAH IS HERE.


ISABELLA GORDON WAS IN COMPLETE SHOCK, as she watched her father stand up from his seat on the couch, to gape at her. She was extremely glad to see him, but knew by the men around the room with a gun in their hands, that this wasn't going to end well.

"Okay, so it wasn't a bluff," Harvey said aloud, his eyes on the small girl, who was having her hand held by the Victor Zsasz. Bullock was happy that she was safe, although he feared that Falcone or Zsasz would hurt her, in order to get to Jim. Harvey didn't want to admit it, but he had grew fond of the girl and the thought of her in danger made him angry.

"She wasn't mistreated or harmed, so don't worry," Falcone informed, as Isabella shyly smiled at him.

"I got a muffin."

Victor chuckled darkly at her innocence, but by the swift look he was given by his boss, he closed his mouth, grumbling as he let her hand go.

She instantly ran up to Jim, wrapping her arms around his legs.

"I'm sorry if I scared you, Daddy. I tried to come back, but I didn't run fast enough."

"It's okay, sweetheart," he replied, pleased to see her after what felt like too long. Isabella nervously stood in between him and Harvey, pulling the bearded man into a small hug as well.

Falcone tutted, watching their encounter, "What am I going to do with you? By rights you have to die."

At his words, the Mayor paled, and Harvey stepped in front of Isabella, shielding her. Victor smirked at the idea, but felt slightly guilty about harming the girl.

"Whoa, hello. Um, late for work," Mayor James breathed out, avoiding the terrified eyes of Isabella. "Quite an adventure, I'll be on my way."

"You shouldn't walk out while people are talking," she scolded, remembering all the manners Barbara had taught her.

James stopped for a second, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead at her words. Without paying it any more time, he walked out the room.

"Such a waste though. Gotham needs men like you. Both of you. Strong men with principles. I wish I could make you see I'm not the enemy. The system is the enemy. The enemy is anarchy. But I told you that before, didn't I, Jim?"

"Yes, you did," Gordon agreed with the mob boss, only because his daughter was present in the room.

"You didn't listen though."

"How'bout you just take me and Jim? Isabella has nothing to do with this," Harvey suggested, earning an approving look from his partner.

"But today," Falcone continued, ignoring Harvey, "you believed me. You trusted my word. That's a good first step. Perhaps there's still hope for you... Yes. Go, get out of here before I change my mind."

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