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Titans Tower

The next morning, Calvin walked into the kitchen. Sluggish and exhausted. He didn't get much sleep last night, he was sure he wasn't the only one.

He found Vosh in the kitchen. Pouring himself enough coffee to energize a small army. He sighed and reached for the creamer.

"Last night was hell for you too?" Calvin asked. He grabbed a bowl from the cabinet.

"I didn't get a lick of sleep. Is this what it feels like to truly be human? Tired all the time." Vosh complained.

"Only when someone's screaming and shaking the building all night? I know she has issues and I feel for her but she's ruining my sleep schedule."

Vosh nodded. He poured a mound of sugar into his cup. "Humans have sleep schedules. Good to know." He said, continuing to pour the sugar.

Calvin made a face as he watched. He leaned over the counter and stopped Vosh's heavy hand. "Humans have to worry about diabetes, too." Calvin told him.

Vosh took a gulp of his coffee without stirring. The piping liquid burned on the way down. He crunches on sugar crystals.

Calvin winced. "Anyway... are you ready for your appointment with Lex?" He asked.

"I have to be," Vosh said. "I need my powers back."

"Why? I know how much your powers mean to you, but if I had the choice between being normal and being—well—this, I'd chose normal in a heartbeat."

"It's not that simple. I have responsibilities to the entire multiverse, not only to myself. The longer I'm powerless, the longer evil has to grow. Those Manhunters that attacked us, they had to be sent by someone. They won't stop just because I don't have my powers."

"But you have us. The Titans will protect you."

"The Titans can't protect me from what's coming. No one can," Vosh said. His eyes had a distance in them.

Calvin started to ask him what he meant. The sound of laughter caught his attention. He turned around to Gar and Tara enter the room. Krypto walked by Gar's side.

"Hey guys," Calvin said with a raised brow. "You took Krypto on a walk without me?" He asked Gar.

"Yeah, I sent Tara to get you but she said you didn't answer the door." Gar said.


"I saw how peacefully you were sleeping and did not wish to wake you. I-I know it's been hard to sleep through the night since I arrived." Tara said, voice small.

"So you knocked on my door, I didn't answer, and you decided to invite yourself in my room just to watch me sleep?" Calvin asked her through narrow eyes.

Dawn stepped into the kitchen. Her keys jingled as she twirled them on her finger. "You ready, Vosh?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm ready. You don't have to drive me, you know, Luthor was more than willing to provide a car." He said as they walked towards the elevator.

"There have been two assassination attempts in the past two weeks. Dick and Al don't want to take any chances with you, and quite frankly, I agree. Let's go." Dawn said as the doors shut.

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