Walls Could Talk

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Walls Could Talk


Wade sat at the table across from Tulip. He smiled as he watched his daughter turn the page in the Botanical Bible. The young girl stuck her tongue out as she read. Her eyes were pierced in pure focus.

She'd been doing much better on that day. The dark circles under her eyes were faint and she had more energy than the day before. Eve had given her a range of antibiotics. He knew Tulip wasn't fixed, but if she had another good day, he would have more time to find a cure.

"Good read?" He asked.

Tulip glanced at her father. Her muddy green eyes tightened as she smiled. "Yes, I love it. Thank you Daddy."

"Don't thank me, Thank your Bestie over there. He got it for you." Said Wade. He bobbed his head in Jason's direction.

Jason chuckled softly. He flipped a fresh pancake onto a stack of others. He carried the plate over to the table.

"Thank you, Bestie." Tulip said through a toothy grin.

Jason plopped a lazy kiss on her head. "Don't mention it, Kiddo. Think of it as a late birthday present." He said as he set the plate down.

"You keep giving her gifts like that and I'll have to up my game, Jay." Said Wade.

Jason sat at the table and shared the pancakes. "Normally, I would've went all out for breakfast but since my Bestie demanded a mountain of pancakes, I had no choice but to deliver."

Tulip plopped 3 of the fluffy pancakes onto her plate. She poured an ocean of syrup onto the flapjacks. Per her request, Jason had already put chocolate chips in them. She took one bite and went to heaven.

"This is so good. I wish you could make pancakes every morning." She said to Jason.

Both their green eyes traveled to Wade. "That can be arranged, Nugget." Jason said.

Wade smiled and shoveled a bite into his mouth.

"Really? You promise?" She asked, a sparkle in her eyes as she looked at Jason.

Jason chuckled. "I promise."

"Quadruple promise?" She insisted.

Jason looked at Wade. He earned a shrug and shook his head. He linked his pinky finger with Tulip's "I quadruple promise."

"Aunty Hazel used to make me pancakes for breakfast. She said when the baby came, all four of us would have family breakfast..." Tulip trailed as a sadness overcame her eyes. ".. I guess that'll never happen now."

Wade swallowed hard. "Actually, Tutu, it's happening right now." He said. "I miss Hazel and Abby just as much as you do but our family isn't all gone yet. The three of us are a family, right Jay?"

Wade's question took Jason by surprise. Not even 3 weeks ago, they were a ways from being together. In a moment's time, he'd become part of a real family. All it took was dying.

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