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A pained cry erupted from Calvin's mouth. He jolted as his back hunched. His spine crackled. An invisible force clenched around his body.

He rasped a breath. The air only pooled in his mouth and faded back out. Gravity constricted his lungs. Refused to allow them room for expansion.

Calvin's fingernails clawed against the ZETA platform. A beastly gurgle rumbled in his stomach. Loud enough to drown out the lockdown alarms that blared about. It was like an avalanche inside his body.

"Rachel what do we do? Wha—" He couldn't take his teared eyes off of Calvin. Not even as the Carrion Amulet levitated around his neck.

Rachel's gemstone burned red as she approached. "I-I don't know. Zatanna said there was a spell but we never practiced it." Rachel stammered.

"They said they'd be here. John said they'd come no matter what." Gar's lips trembled.

Calvin screamed again. His neck snapped upwards, showing his eyes. The green light inside was slowly overcome with a pale blue tint. The same light grew in his mouth as he screamed.

"G-G...Gar it hurts..Ah!" Calvin was locked within the invisible force again.

"Guys we have to get him to Earth Prime now. Jason, Tulip, get on the damn platform!" Rose commanded as she stomped over to the controls.

"This place is on lockdown. We can't leave if we tried," Jason said calmly. "And we're not trying. We're taking these bastards down."

Tulip nodded at her father. She walked over to the metal door and focused all of her pain into power. She jammed her glittering fingers into the door and dented it.

"Do you hear yourself Jason? Wade didn't want this for either of you."

"You have no idea what Wade wanted." Jason hissed.

"I know more than you think. He told me what he saw, he warned me." Rose stepped off the platform. She put her hand on Jason's shoulder. "I knew." She said again.

Tulip looked at them. "Knew what?" She asked.

"Where are they?" Gar murmured, paying no mind to the spat going on. He reached for Calvin but a transparent green field shocked his hand.

"They're dead." Said Finis, appearing in a cloud of red smoke. He walked out of the shadows and approached his nephew.

"What?" Rachel asked, her forehead burning. Something wasn't right.

"I went to find them after Cal returned. I couldn't reach them, not until I found them in a broken dimension."

"What were they doing there?" She questioned.

Finis's eyes flicked away from Rachel. He focused on Calvin. "That's not important Rachel, we have to help Cal-"

"You're not going anywhere near him," Rachel blocked Fin's path. "I don't know what you really are but you don't have my brother's best interest at heart." She said.

"Rachel what are you talking about? That's his uncle. Fin helped us last time, when..."

"When time broke? Yeah, I know. He came in and conveniently had all the answers we needed and a simple solution then vanished for a year with Cal. A year Cal spent fixing time only for things to turn out like this. Now Calvin's powers are on the fritz again and guess who shows up just in time to fix it all." Rachel glared at Fin.

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