Somewhere Only We Know

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Somewhere Only We Know

Supernova's violet light blinded Calvin as he came to. He lifted his hand to shield his eyes. His arm ached in response to that.

Calvin groaned and rolled over. His nose grazed against a slick body. He he tried to push himself up but his fingers would not stay put. He felt timidly as his blurred eyes adjusted to the light.

He knew what it was. He'd never be able to forget the feeling of warm blood between his fingers. Of torn flesh within his grasp. Not since the day he found his parents.

He blinked repeatedly but he was unable to clear his eyes. Every blink stung. "Where am I?" He strained. Shocked by how raw his throat felt.

Calvin used his sleeves to clear his eyes. For a moment, he could see his hands. They were stained in blood.

"What's going on?" He asked, still caught in a daze.

His eyes slipped past his bloody digits. That's when he saw the corpse beneath him. He blinked to be sure of himself.

What he was saying couldn't be real. It couldn't be.

Tears prickled his eyes. "Gar? No, no, Gar. Please no."

Calvin felt like he trembled in slow motion. His movements paced like hours as reached for what was left of Gar's head. He clutched Gar's head and shut his eyes tight.

"Please work, please. Come on, please..." He whimpered. He tried to channel his powers into Gar but nothing happened. He was too far gone.

"Somebody help me!" He cried out. He opened his eye and looked around.

He could barely see anything because of Supernova's light. He didn't know if it was day or night. All he knew was Gar had died.

Calvin looked to his right. He caged a tortured cry as he looked upon Rachel's scorched body. "No, no!" He cried out.

A blazing roar blared in his ears. He strained and looked into the sky, praying he'd be able to see past the light. What sounded and felt like a jet flew past him. The draft blew him backwards.

Calvin fell on his face. He looked up and saw the "jet" crash into a figure with bright purple eyes a few feet away. He squinted to see through the glare.

The jet wasn't a jet. An earthquake of a shockwave resounded from the crash. The figure skidded across the razed city street.

"Alister?" Calvin whispered. He knew Alister couldn't hear him.

Alister turned in Calvin's direction anyway. His eyes sparkled with a silvery light Calvin didn't recognize. They were focused on something in the sky. The source the blinding light—Supernova—no doubt.

Alister's wings had grew larger than Calvin ever saw them before. His entire body was encased in a golden metal. Silver streaks of electricity danced around his body.

"Alister!" Calvin screamed as loud as he could to his guardian. The man walked right by him.

"What is going on?" Calvin cried as Alister took off into the air.

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