Endings And Beginnings

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Endings And Beginnings


"The Dark Multiverse wasn't always a twisted hellscape. This dimension used to be the World Forge, a place where old worlds were made into new ones by the World Forger."

"My Dad," Alister corrected.

"Your father. Alpheus."

"Even the names are similar." Jericho signed.

"Barbatos imprisoned him somehow. I-I don't want to say he killed him because gods that powerful can't die, but he's not exactly around to manage things." Calvin rambled.

"So how am I supposed to free him if he's stuck in limbo?"

"You're freeing his energy. When gods of that caliber are 'killed', they are unbound and sealed in their original dimension. It's like a cosmic time out. Their residual energies form relics, or totems if you will. Talismans for mortals to channel." Calvin explained. The carrion amulet glinted for emphasis.

"I swear the more I learn about existence, the more I'm convinced someone using a fucking plot generator." Alister hissed.

"The only thing I want to learn about gods right now, is how to kill them." Jason griped.

"Only gods can kill gods." Said Calvin.

"Says the exception to the rule." Tulip quipped.

"Killing Barbatos won't matter if we can't restart the multiverse!" Calvin snapped. His magic flared around him.

He balled his fists. The Eskaton roared in his mind. It was so loud that Calvin wanted to scream too. He felt Gar's fingers lace between his.

Calvin shut his eyes and took a deep breath. "If we can't do that, then we're stuck here." He exhaled.

"I'm assuming this totem is how we release the energy needed to send us home?" Superman questioned the boy.

"He won't be sending us home, he'll be making home." Corrected Batman.

"What is the totem?" Wonder Woman asked.

"The giant anvil in the sky." Alister, Rachel, and Calvin answered in unison.

"What anvil? Better yet, what sky?" Questioned a hero in the crowd.

"I think only those of us tapped into some serious dark magic can see. There's an anvil on this Earth, it's power is so immense that it can be seen from every dimension in the Dark Multiverse. The path of light leads there." Calvin said.

"If Barbatos had the anvil all this time, why hasn't he used it?" Questioned Hal Jordan.

"He doesn't have the hammer. He sink all the worlds he wants, but without me, he'll never be able to rebuild the multiverse. Not one he can influence, anyway." Alister explained. He'd began to understand all of the little connections.

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