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Darkseid rested at the helm of his bloody kingdom. He sat quietly. Expression stony and unmoving as he stared at his disciples. "Need I ask about our progress or do you all plan to stare upon my face all day?" He asked.

"Our apologies, My Lord. Where would you like us to begin?" Asked Godfrey.

"Begin with your initiative on Earth."

"The humans have begun to draft a law abolishing heroics on all scales. Soon enough, we will have every member of the Titans in custody. The Manhunters were only the beginning of my deceptions. Luthor's Blockbuster creature was a great addition. I have one final trick up my sleeve that will sway all naysayers in our favor." Godfrey said. He tucked his trembling hands behind his back.

Darkseid hummed. "Necromina, report." He said. He bobbed his head at the woman in red.

Necromina stepped forward. "Sire my army of the dead have been making exceptional strides in ensuring we make our timetable. The weapon is nearly secured."

"Nearly?" Darkseid asked. His hollow red eyes burned into her skin.

Necromina gulped. "Lord Darkseid I..."

"Your mission was simple. Raise an army of their dead enemies and secure the weapon. He is vital to the next phase of our plan. To freeing the Lord of the Death." Darkseid scolded.

"I-I understand that Sire and I will..."

"You will get it done by the end of the day. Need I remind you that failure is not an option?" He continued. He rose to his feet.

"Of course not Lord. I will deliver the weapon to you immediately."

"Coordinate your plan with Godfrey. He seems to be the only competent agent I placed on Earth." He snapped. "You're both dismissed."

Godfrey and Necromina thanked their God and teleported away.

Darkseid's eyes landed on Steppenwolf. "General, the invasion of Thanagar?"

"The war has ravaged on for two years now, Sire. Our forces have began to stomp upon the flames of the resistance. Thanagar will be ours in mere days."

Darkseid nodded. A long, low, hum rumbled in his throat. "Secure the planet before the pure mortal returns. If he returns to Thanagar, our plans will be set back by months."

Steppenwolf nodded. "Understood Lord. I will return to Thanagar and lead the Warhounds on the frontlines. We will snuff out the resistance."

"Retrieve the Liberator. Should Kanto fail, which I know he won't, Thanagar must be destroyed. Dismissed."

Darkseid looked upon his last elite. "I have word the Thanagarian has fled to another dimension. Intent upon repairing a broken Motherbox."

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