He Who Kneels

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He Who Kneels


"Alister!" Conner's scream echoed around the empty medical ward. He pushed himself onto his feet. His hands left a distinct imprint in the metal rails.

"Conner, relax. You're safe, you're in the Hall of Justice on Earth Prime. I need you to lay back down, you're hurt—"

A brilliant violet portal exploded to life in the lab. The gurneys, monitors and nearby supplies melted away. Eve was flung across the room. If Conner hadn't caught her, she would've been splat on the walls.

"Thank you," She hugged him.

An obsidian leg stepped out of the vortex. The moment they did so, the stars and galaxies of space filled their skin. Soon, the black body was rippling with purple life and light.

It was Supernova. The Fatherbox in the center of his chest still perverted his energies. The soft and subtle purples Conner once knew were sharp and red. Volatile, even.

His Ruby eyes molded with Conner. A smirk grew on his face. "You've healed."

"Barely," Conner hissed. "Here to finish the job?" He asked. He moved in front of Eve protectively.

Supernova chuckled. "If I wanted you dead, My Love, I could think it from across the multiverse and you'd be dead. I wouldn't need to come to you."

"So why are you here?"

"Because," Supernova took a step towards him. "When I influenced Darkseid to believe destroying Oa, Earth-Nine, and all the others was in Apokolips' best interest I didn't bat an eye. After all that history, I felt nothing. I believed it was proof, proof that this disease you call a mortal soul Vosh had been expelled."

"Until I tried to extinguish your pathetic existence. What's left of Vosh's soul came rushing to the surface to save you... his precious Conner."

Conner pushed Eve further and further away as Supernova gravitated to them. The wisps of light undulating around Supernova stung.

"I don't understand."

"Of course you don't, how could you? You know nothing. How could I explain the sounds of music to the deaf, or make the blind see the light without destroying them?" Supernova drummed his finger on his chin. The resounding shockwaves stirring an electrical pulse in the room.

The monitors around them shorted out.

"I am Supernova—I am a Super Celestial. Responsible for existence itself. One of many. Vosh? He was the result of The Guardians and The Source's incompetence. They believed that binding my power in the prison of a human soul would stop the impending war."

"It did," Conner challenged. "Vosh stopped the Crisis. Without him—without humanity—none of us would be here."

Supernova snorted. "Oh Conner, you still don't see do you? To stop the Crisis and save this pathetic level of the Omniverse, Vosh had to complete a Great Sacrifice. His mortal soul for all life. He was supposed to give this plain of existence up and I would ascend to life beyond the Source Wall. I would have become the very essence of existence. He was willing, I was not."

"Why do you speak about Vosh and Supernova as if they're completely different beings?" Questioned Eve from behind Conner.

Supernova's gaze flared past him. His eyes landed on Eve and the weight of that alone struck her. She could feel the force of gravity tighten around her. She grimaced and inhaled sharply.

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