I Promise

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I Promise

In the moments leading to the Hail Mary to save Vosh's life, Gar and Rachel dropped a bomb on the efforts. Calvin's deterioration was quite dangerous for his health and detrimental to the plan.

Because of their revelation, Dick was left between a rock and a hard place. He was the leader above all else. That meant the decision was ultimately his. His word would convince Calvin to take the risk or tell him it wasn't worth it.

Either way, he had to decide. He had to choose between saving Vosh and saving Calvin.

Wade, Rose, Kory, and Alister fumbled through the doors. The 4 of them chuckled amongst themselves. Nobody told a joke but the booze made everything funny. The musk of liquor wafted off of them.

"Are you guys drunk?" Asked Donna.

Alister and Kory locked eyes. They bursted out laughing. Wade and Rose were reduced to chuckles.

"S-sorry, we're uh... Kory has a heavy hand. Is everything okay? Did we ready?" Alister slurred.

"'Did we ready'? Jesus, how much did you drink?" Asked Roy.

"It was just a little drink, that's all." Kory lied.

Rose snorted. "I can't even feel my legs right now. Are they working?" She said.

"If you stop leaning on me, maybe you'll find out." Retorted Wade. He pushed Rose off of his shoulder and watched her fall against the wall.

Alister and Kory bursted out laughing. Wade shook his head and covered his mouth to hide a laugh.

"Normally, this would be cute but we so don't need this right now." Donna said to Dick.

"You think?" Eve griped in disdain. She shook her head at the drunks standing near the door.

Dick's tomato-tinted face took on the hue of a red ornament. Heat waves practically kindled on his skin. There was a blazing fire behind his eyes. Eyes that singled out Alister.

He walked across the room. A trail of flames were left in his wake. "Can we talk?" He asked Alister. He grabbed Alister's arm and pulled him into the hall.

Alister groaned and pulled his arm free. "Take it easy, Grayson, I'm not made of metal... Oh wait I am." He snickered.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Dick asked. He tried to keep his voice low but he wasn't so lucky.

"Nothing, relax. I had a drink. One drink." He said with 2 fingers raised. "M..maybe five? I don't know, Kory could get a Russian drunk in one shot."

"Alister," Dick hissed.

"I'm sorry, was that offensive? I-"

"Get a grip, Alister. With everything going on, you decided to get drunk and add yourself to the very long list of shit I have to deal with? Great."

"I'm sorry that you have to 'deal with' me, Dick, I wasn't aware that me having a drink for the first time in months was that much of a burden."

"You knew what was going on today, you knew I needed you in the right state of mind today. Though I don't know why I expected you to be because you haven't been in the right state of mind since-"

"Since I failed to save my home planet and everyone there died because of it? Or do you want to go back further to when you basically called me crazy because I was worried Thanagar would fall? I'm sorry my state of mind is altered by the genocide of my people. I'll make your day a little easier and get out of your hair." He fired back, waving his hands drunkenly in the air.

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