Chapter 1 - An Urban Legend

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A green haired boy in his late teens by the name Izuku Midoriya sat by himself in a room surrounded by computer monitors and advanced technology monitoring the city for signs of criminal activity. Just as things were looking controlled and peaceful, an alarm on a monitor was set off on a nearby screen. A police officer on the police radio frequency then began to report the situation to everyone listening on the channel.

"Priority one alert, Tartarus is experiencing a breakout. We got pros on the way but it will be a while, we need backup. I repeat, we need backup immediately at Tartarus Prison or things could get bad fast." Taking this as his cue to act, the boy walked up to a container which housed his gadgets, armour and other goodies. He began to take his suit out and equipped it before taking his gadgets and storing them in his utility belt.

Like this (1:30-1:40):

(No Alfred btw, sorry)

After acquiring everything he needs, Izuku, known more commonly as Batman walked over to his plane he dubbed the Batwing while doing some last minute suit adjustments. He entered the aircraft and took off through a waterfall before heading directly for Tartarus Prison and ready to kick some criminal ass. As the Batwing rocketed through the sky, Izuku programmed the autopilot in preparation for his arrival at the prison so that he could do his work without someone vandalising his mode of transport. Eventually, he was nearing the prison so he turned the autopilot on and jumped out of the back of the batwing. He was free falling directly towards the roof before Izuku deployed his gliding skills with his cape and went through one of the ceiling windows directly into a room of 4 thugs wearing Yakuza masks.

(Speech is like this for this part only)

1: "What the hell is that thing?"

2: "Are y-you guys seeing this?"

3: "This...this isn't real"

4: "K-k-kill it! Bring its head to the boss!"

The four of the thugs then charged towards Batman in hopes to kill him but Izuku had other plans. When the first took a swing at him, he blocked the hit with his left hand and counter punched him with the right. Then, he turned to the 2nd and 3rd thugs before throwing a batarang at the second and then batclawed the third and clothesline slammed him to the floor. The first one got back up but was then slammed head first into a nearby cell knocking him unconscious. The second and third were then punched in the face and thrown upwards into the lights. The fourth then began to shake in fear and panic as the lights flickered on and off and Izuku disappeared from sight while the thug pissed himself.

4: "Ok ok! Stop! Please, I'll tell you anything!" 

Izuku appeared directly behind the thug and grabbed him by the throat. He then lifted him off of the ground with one hand and hit him a few times.

"You're Yakuza, what does Overhaul want here?" He asked with his deep, intimidating, modulated voice which instantly put the scares in the criminal.

"He is here to kill some pros... I swear that's all I know..." But unfortunately, Izuku wasn't buying any of this after seeing some of the visible signs of lying. This only put him in a bad mood, so he grabbed his throat with both hands, tightened his grip and slammed him into a reinforced window with such force that it nearly shattered.

"Do not... lie... to me!" He said, his voice getting deeper in his growls and making him seem even more scary than before.

"Ok, ok... he wanted to use the new drug he created on some pro heroes... but... n-none... showed u-up..." the criminal replied as he tried to catch his breath and struggled for air

"What does it do?!" The boy clad in black bat armour demanded.

"It destroys a persons quirk so they can't use it ever again. He's been after you mostly cos of the destruction of all his labs. The stuff he's got with him, is all that's left. So you can bet he'll use it on some big hitters." He laughed weakly while coughing.

"Not on my watch" and with one swift motion, Izuku brought up his left fist and knocked out the criminal before leaving to search for the security room for Overhaul on CCTV.

Overhaul was eventually located at the centre of a room with multiple cells which remained closed. He was trying to gather extra followers with promise of them being safe in his new era. The pro hero Ingenium and some officers arrived hoping to intervene but the police met their unfortunate end when Overhaul used his quirk to create an onslaught of ground spikes which cut directly through their bodies like a 1000 degree knife through butter. This attack caused the wall of the prison to burst open and expose the enormous fall which would render one dead. Using the wall destruction to his advantage, Ingenium ran onto the falling rubble and kicked Overhaul directly in the face which caused him to lose his balance and stagger before pressing his hand on the wall and trapping Ingenium with a cage of spikes which penetrated his arms and legs. The depth wasn't enough to kill but would certainly leave some long lasting effects.

"You were good hero..." he said as he walked over and pulled out his quirk erasing gun, "but not good enough." And just as he fired, some sticky substance encased the weapon which caused a malfunction in the gun and resulted in a small explosion in Overhaul's hand.

"Argh!" He yelled while pulling some of the sticky substance off of his hand. "Who dares challenge the leader of the Yakuza?!" But just as he asked, Izuku appeared from the shadows and DDT-ed him.

"You! You have meddled and cost me something you can't possibly imagine!" He yelled at the Bat in a blind fit of rage. Izuku stood still while Overhaul charged at him and placed his hand on his chest to destroy him. However, when contact was made... nothing happened.

"Huh, what is this?!" Overhaul asked, infuriated before receiving a punch to the face.

"I mixed my glue grenade compound with an earlier version of your quirk erasing bullet. I created a substance that will temporarily suppress your quirk for a few hours, more than long enough to put you behind bars." The Bat replied while looking him dead in the eyes. This only seemed to anger Overhaul as he charged forwards sloppily throwing his fists trying to hit the Caped Crusader. His efforts were soon revealed to be futile as Izuku dodged behind him and kicked his right elbow, immediately snapping the bone and effectively breaking his arm. He then set to work on Overhaul's left wrist by forcing a bend in the direction it should not bend. These attacks would prevent him using his quirk even after he regained it but just to drive a point across more, Izuku punched him so hard in the jaw that his beak mask shattered and caused his mouth to drip blood. The other cells had opened but all the prisoners stayed inside and prayed for safety. This reduced Overhaul to a whimpering mess on the floor before he asked a question through the blood and tears:

"What the hell are you?" 

Izuku grabbed Overhaul by the throat with one hand and raised him off the floor to give him an answer he would never forget.

"I am vengeance... I am the night... I AM BATMAN!" He yelled before head butting him unconscious and tying him up.

"You're one of the uncorrupt heroes, you do good work. My condolences for the loss of these officers and those injuries. But I can't linger long." He said to Ingenium before the heroes and police burst in through the door.

"Freeze! Down on your knees! We're bringing you in!" Multiple heroes shouted as Izuku backed up slowly towards the broken wall. Before he could make his escape however, he felt his eyes get heavy and tired as he collapsed to the floor. The last thing he saw was the pro hero Midnight before losing consciousness.

"I'll take him from here, the UA Principal wants to see him" she said as the medics rushed in to attend to the wounded and deceased.

AN - Hey guys, like the 1st chapter? Lemme know your thoughts. Take care and always remember, go beyond... PLUS ULTRA 

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