Chapter 26 - A cold, cold heart

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Everyone was changing in their locker rooms and the boys engaged in conversation with Izuku.

"Nice moves man, you definitely know how to strategise." Bakugo complimented.

"Indeed, you were able to easily pull us apart and I bow to you as my superior." Iida added.

"You don't need to do that." Izuku replied. "It was just a sparring session to prepare you for some moves a villain may use one day against you. Besides, hopefully it showed your areas of vulnerability to improve."

"It gave me a clear view of my weaknesses." Mineta and Sato both said, leaving the room with some injuries still present as they hardly had much stamina to be fully healed.

"Glad to see everyone is on the path of trying to become a real hero. Now, I'm sure that if you all exit and go to the classroom you will find a pleasant surprise." Izuku said, walking out of the locker room with his Batsuit in a secure locker with facial recognition, voice analysis, fingerprint, passcode protected and blood identifier technology.

As class 1-A returned to their classroom, they were met by their teacher Mr Aizawa. He had not been seen since the attack at Bane's hands when he took Eri off somewhere. Only Izuku knew where she currently was. She was in Tibet, studying with some monks in fighting and meditation. He sent her there to enhance her training and told her to return when she thought the time was right. In any case, Aizawa was back teaching and pulling his usual stunts of pretending to expel someone. 

"Sir, welcome back. It is good to see you." Iida said, welcoming his teacher with delight.

"Yes, it has been some time." Momo added.

"Yeah yeah, just sit down and be quiet while I teach. Now,where did we get to? Ah yes, my evaluation on how you have performed in my absence." As Aizawa began ranting and evaluating the class, Izuku disappeared and headed to the Batcave to work on some important things.

Izuku was sat at the Batcomputer, updating his files and 'Babel' protocols. He was editing his fine on Bakugo currently, after having altered the rest.

"While not as egotistical as previously listed, Bakugo still tends to rush in with either no plan or a blow everything up mentality. A state of mind that could not play well to his strengths and get him injured or killed. Exploiting his ego is still a viable option with the best plans being to goad him into a trap. A plan of attack remains the same. Attack with either some for of cryogenic weapon or create a situation in which I can easily incapacitate him. No other findings or strategies as of the time of recording. End audio log." As he was finishing up, he closed the files and made sure he had adequate security to them all to make sure nobody would ever get their hands on them. If someone did, it could mean bad things for all heroes. Especially for those he is close to. Izuku then left the Batcomputer and went over to his workout area to do his usual hardcore workout. After a few hours straight of benching 1300 lbs, he decided to relax and then go to work on a new suit he called his XE Suit or Extreme Environment Suit. The problem was that the thermal gloves and some parts were not completed so he would have to spend more time on it. However, he would not get much of a chance as it was already night and UA were hosting an award ceremony for person of the year. They were doing this to show the faces of evil that they were resilient and would not be intimidated. And although there had not been any trace of the LOV recently, that didn't mean he wouldn't be prepared for them upon return. Anyways, he would have to put the finishing touches on the suit later as right now, he needed to get washed and put on a tux for a party. 

Usually, Izuku wouldn't be one for partying but since this was an important event and Kyoka was still a little shaken about past events, he decided it would be nice to accompany her. Besides, the more differences between Izuku Midoriya and Batman the better. It would help mask the fact that a cinnamon roll would dress up as a vigilante who spends his nights beating criminals to a pulp with his bear hands. It would certainly make it harder to deduce his identity and thus keep Kyoka safe. It is important to keep up appearances, especially if you hide the fact you're Batman.

Izujiro - The BatmanOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara