Chapter 33 - Finding a killer

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Izuku had spent the most part of his morning doing his excruciating workouts and modifying his batmobile for better handling and speed. Now however, he was continuing with the murder case he got the night prior. Being The World's Greatest Detective meant that a murder case like this would not be too difficult to solve but it was still time consuming. If he wanted to prevent more deaths then he would have to work as fast as possible to save as many lives as he could. The only issue was that the murder did not match the M.O of any murders in Musutafu in the past 2 years. With little to go on, he began analysing the evidence he had.

Three blood samples, a photograph of some bloodied shoe streaks, a piece of purple fabric, a memory card of a smashed phone and a cipher drawn in blood. He had solved cases with less. The vials of blood would need to be checked against the National Criminal Database of Japan, the fabric would need to be analysed further, the memory card of the phone could be reviewed on the Batcomputer and the cipher would need some time to be solved. But where to start first?

Izuku decided to review the data on the memory card first so he placed it into the Batcomputer while he set another machine off to analyse and find matches for the three blood samples. The memory card revealed much to the caped crusader. The phone was property of Jin Bubaigawara A.K.A Twice, a 5'10" male with blonde hair and affiliated with the League of Villains. His quirk was Double, allowing him to duplicate anything, provided he knew the exact dimensions. His crimes were documented as terrorism, murder, theft and kidnapping on behalf of the League. His most recent text message was sent out to his girlfriend Himiko Toga. They seemed frantic and claiming that they could not trust someone. He also sent a series of messages to her saying that someone was coming to kill him so she came there to protect him. Those were the last exchanges. He had one lead so far, Himiko Toga.

Next up was the blood samples. The analysis had completed and the owners identified. The victims blood belonged to Jin and the second sample belonged to Himiko Toga. The third sample however, had no match. The third sample was contaminated with too many chemicals leaving Izuku with no identity for the third person. Given that Jin was the victim and Toga came to protect him, it was likely that this contaminated blood sample belonged to the killer. The purple fabric offered nothing much in the way of a lead to the killer's identity as far as Izuku knew.

With everything he had collected he only had one lead and that was Toga. The only issue was she had been keeping a low profile ever since their last encounter and given the recent events, she would be even harder to find. Nightfall was still hours away so he couldn't get out and start looking properly. Fortunately though, he would not have to go out as he discovered something interesting about Himiko. She was the daughter of Vlad King, the teacher of class B. Going to talk to him as Izuku Midoriya would be difficult for a number of reasons. As far as Batman was concerned, he would not be able to ask 'politely' for information until later on. He had however, been tacking all calls going in and out of UA and having them be recorded. Call it paranoia, but there wasn't many people he trusted so total surveillance on campus would be required to scout potential threats or for information. This was the latter. Vlad's call history showed he would call a private number every day specifically at 13:30 before going out for an hour. There was no guarantee that it was Himiko on the line but at the moment, all he had was this.

Later during the day, Kyoka had made her way to the cave before lunch to see Izuku and bring him some food. She knew he didn't eat much when he was focused. He was too invested in justice and would not rest until he solved his case and the criminal was behind bars. She walked up to him sitting in a chair opposite a board with a bunch of strings leading to one another. Kyoka examined his board, seeing the links thanks to notes jotted down and then saw that Vlad was his next target for information.

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