Chapter 13 - Contract Killers

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At the League of Villains Bar

Shigaraki had sent out some contracts to some of the most dangerous assassins in the world to take care of Batman after he disrupted their plan at the USJ. Some of the clients had been too scared to take on the contract but some accepted. The ones who had accepted his contract were given a day to meet with him and were given a month to complete it or they wouldn't be paid. 

"What is taking them so long? They should be here by now." Shigaraki complained.

"Relax Tomura Shigaraki, they will be here in time. Would you like another Red Bull?" Kurogiri said.

"I guess. Now I know not to jump off a roof now because they don't give you wings. If I had jumped from a greater height I think more than my legs would have broke."

"I blame false advertising. You don't get that with vodka."

"Speaking of, we need to talk about your addiction Kurogiri." He said with a soft look and tone.

"Yeah, I probably shouldn't smoke or drink deadly cocktails everyday. The last one had beer, vodka, whiskey, tequila, Mr Muscle, Cilit Bang, Mild, gin, Guinness, paint stripper, Monster Energy, milk and weed killer."

"How are you even alive Kurogiri?" 

"Beats me, but looks like your guests are here." Kurogiri replied as he walked out with a flask and pouring some extra whiskey into it.

Shigaraki turned to look at the few who chose to accept the contract to kill the Batman. There was 5 people there, ready and waiting to claim the price on Batman's head. Shigaraki had hoped for a better turn out but rolled with what he had.

"Welcome everyone, you know why you are here. Batman has to go and I am willing to give 50 million in whatever currency you wish for his dead body. You have a month to kill him, succeed and you will be rewarded. Now get out there and kill him. Any questions first though?" He declared, giving an 'inspirational' speech. "Yes, with the jetpack?"

"Why is that Misty bar guy drinking the drainer fluid?"


"I need help." Kurogiri stated as he began crying and drinking some vodka. Unbeknownst to everyone present, they had been monitored and recorded. 

A few hours later at UA

Mr Aizawa was sitting at his desk on Wattpad with his laptop. He was reading some fanfics and even writing some of his own about his students. Shota was big on shipping the students of 1-A but before he could continue his writing, Izuku came in and asked if he could address the class. He allowed it because whenever Izuku said anything it was logical or important. 

"Alright everyone, shut up. Midoriya needs to announce something." Aizawa states.

"But sir, we have been quiet all lesson. You were shouting earlier when you lost online poker. You then told us to be silent while you slept off a hangover." Mina replied to the sleep deprived underground hero.

"Detention for you, wise-ass." He simply replied.

"Ok, so I asked to address you all for one main reason. That reason being a bounty has been placed on my head by Tomura Shigaraki of the League of Villains from the USJ attack. Unfortunately, by association that makes you all potential targets if they discover my identity. I spied on the league a few hours ago using a drone due to my injuries still healing. They are competing for a price of 50 million in any form of currency." Izuku listed while fear crept onto the faces of some of the class.

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