Chapter 8 - Fear meets Fear

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After the combat training, the class was either limping, crawling, being transported or dragged to All Might's observation room. Almost everyone was needing to see Recovery Girl aside from a select few who Izuku did less damage to. They awaited their result for their teamwork and performance but just as All Might was about to speak, Aizawa dived through the window and landed face first on the glass.

"Now students, I finished my reading and watched your performances. It was mediocre at best." Aizawa says as he straightened himself out while standing up.

"Urm, Mr Aizawa? You all good there?" Ashido asked while trying not to grimace too much.

"Oh yes, I'm completely fine." He replied with a smile, which is always creepy let's be honest.

"Really? Cos you look like some idiot who jumped through a window for no reason and has chunks of glass lodged in his face." Todoroki stated but this only earned him a quick hit on the head.

"It was sarcasm. Idiots. Anyway, you all forgot how to work together properly. You all wanted to attack him solo to try prove you can beat him. Your ego's got in the way of your objective and he used it to his advantage, picking you off one by one and singling you out. Now this does not apply to all of you but next time, work as a team better because in the field it could mean death." Aizawa said sternly. "Now, go change and go to your dorms. School is over and I think I'm about to pass out from blood loss." As per usual, he was right and fainted right there on the spot.

"FOR GOODNESS SAKES AIZAWA. OK, IF YOU NEED TO GO SEE RECOVERY GIRL FOLLOW ME. IF NOT, YOU CAN GO. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE CLASS, I AM HERE...BUT ONLY AT CERTAIN TIMES COS I HAVE A LIFE OUTSIDE OF TEACHING AND HERO WORK." All Might stated in his trademark booming voice and iconic smile before picking up Aizawa and showing the way to the Nurse's office.

Later, in Midoriya's dorm

Izuku was busy doing a bench press of 1000 pounds shirtless in some sports pants. It was only two hours before his nightly patrol and he wanted his body to be ready for crime fighting. After about 40 minutes he set his bar back where it belongs and readied himself for something more challenging. He approached his pull up bar with chains and insanely heavy weights attached to his legs. However, there was a problem, the weights weren't heavy enough. But as if on cue a knock was heard at his door. 

"It's open." He replied as he continued with his pull ups. He was expecting Kyoka to show up as they had fallen for each other but not became an official item as of yet. To his surprise, it was Mineta. He came through to Izuku's exercise room to see him suspended in the air by his muscular arms and revealing his insanely toned abs, not to mention the fact that his exercise would destroy a normal man. Then again, he is no ordinary man.

"Jesus dude!" Mineta exclaimed as he just looked in horror and gratitude. The horror was because of the size of his muscles and his gratitude was to the universe for not letting him be demolished by his hands.

"What are you doing here?" Izuku nonchalantly asked as he looked into Mineta's eyes.

"I thought about what you said. You're right, I need to better myself and not be such a pervert. Nobody would want to be friends with me let alone be near me. I'm starting a new leaf and I'm going to work towards being the best hero I can be to help others." He said with pride and hope in his eyes. Izuku just dropped down from his bar and unchained his legs before walking over to Mineta. Mineta was shitting bricks as he thought he said something wrong and prepared for a no mercy, one sided ass-whuppin. But... it never came. 

"You've acknowledged your flaws and are prepared to devote yourself to something better. You've realised it isn't about girls but about doing what's right. You've started your journey to the path of the righteous hero. Continue down it and you will be an amazing hero." Izuku said as he extended his hand out towards Mineta. He didn't smile externally but internally, he was glad he had a positive impact on some. Mineta then took his hand and they both shook.

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