006 - The Movie Star And The Red Rose

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— the movie star and the red rose —

THE LIGHT GLOWED GOLD, LIGHTING THE INSIDE OF THE MANSION LIKE A SCENE FROM AN OLD MONEY MOVIE. Cliff and Larry brought the food out, filling the table with all types of meals and sides. Rachel had taken her place at the table, but Hazel stopped to look at a movie poster, Gar running upstairs for a moment. He walked up the winding stairs to the top floor.

Gar paused by the door and knocked softly. "Rita?" Gar called softly, the echo of the old TV the only sound coming from inside the room. "Rita? I don't know if you're feeling well enough to come down and join us for dinner, but, um, we have some guests." Gar paused for a moment. "Her name's Hazel. I'd really love for you to meet her."

Gar stopped again, waiting for Rita to answer but when there was none, he quickly called out, "If you think you can leave your room today. If not, it's totally okay. I- We'll bring up dinner later."

Gar picked up the tray covered in dirty plates, bowls and cups and carried it downstairs. He slid it onto the kitchen counter before bringing out the last of the drinks. He set the bottles down before sitting next to Hazel who was looking at all the food in wonder. "Larry's cooking is the best," Gar assured.

"I don't doubt it," Hazel laughed. "I used to help my mom cook, but she works late, and I had music, so we'd normally end up eating two-minute noodles."

"Well, I promise it's better than noodles," Larry spoke up, leaning between Rachel and Hazel to set a tray down. He pulled the lid up revealing another mound of breakfast food, the centrepiece of onion rings shaped like a man.

"It looks like the marshmallow man from Ghostbusters," Hazel joked.

"You see my vision," Larry laughed. He set the covers down at the end of the table before sitting next to Cliff. "All right then."

"Let's eat!" Gar smiled.

Hazel moved to stand but Larry quickly stopped her. "Sit down. If you want something Gar can get it," Larry ordered, staring at Gar.

Hazel nodded and settled in her seat again. "Can I have a lobster and salad please?" Hazel asked, looking up at Gar. He nodded quickly and reached for the platters, sliding them closer to Hazel.

"For God's sake, Cliff, stop staring at the poor girl," Larry ordered as Cliff stared down at Rachel.

Cliff sighed and tapped his plate with his fingers. "So, are the waffles crispy on the outside and gooey a little bit on the inside with just the right amount of butter?" Cliff asked in a soft voice.

Rachel cut into the waffle and took a bite. "They're perfect," Rachel confirmed while nodding.

"Yeah," Cliff hummed. "What about the lobster?"

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