015 - A Haunting Tune

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— a haunting tune —

THE SUN BATHED THE CITY IN ITS WAR EMBRACE, THE LIGHT REFLECTING OFF THE WINDOWS AND BUILDINGS. Hazel had originally argued for them to stay in the tower for the next few days, but Gar was insistent on Conner needing real word experience. And that he and Hazel hadn't left the tower in almost a week.

Gar led Conner down the street, pointing out different things and telling Conner about things he might want to know. "So, think of all of this, San Francisco, like one big, totally immersive, three-dimensional, interactive, multiplayer video game," Gar explained, motioning around the city. "And you're Player One."

"Okay," Conner nodded.

"Your job is making sure everyone stays safe and well, and no one gets hurt," Hazel agreed, looking up at Conner.

Conner nodded; his eyes wide as he watched everything around him. "Is that what the Titans do?" Conner questioned as they walked into a small outside cafe garden.

"Well, we don't, but the old Titans did. Dick mostly just kept us locked up in the Tower," Gar chuckled, his hands toying with the strap of his satchel.

"Gar, Jason, Rachel and I always talk about how we wanted more real-life experiences," Hazel went on. "And once everyone's back together, hopefully, we'll get it."

"Hopefully," Gar said, his hands falling to his side.

"Keep the faith Gar," Hazel recited, and he shook his head.

Gar turned back to Conner, continuing his explanation. "I know this sounds crazy, but once the team knows you're awake and can see what you can do, they'll be back in a hurry," Gar promised and the three slowed to a stop.

Conner nodded, his eyes looking over the garden cafe before focussing on Gar again. "So, Gar what can you do?" Conner asked.

Gar laughed softly, his hands toying nervously with his bag strap. "It's- It's no big deal," Gar muttered, shaking his head.

"That's bullshit," Hazel snapped, softly hitting Gar's shoulder. "It's super cool."

"Can you show me?" Conner asked with excitement.

"Now's not the best time," Gar shrugged, looking away.

"Well, can you tell me?"

"Yeah, yeah," Gar nodded, letting go of his bag. "It's kind of weird, but I can turn into a tiger."

Conner started to laugh, and Hazel couldn't help but smile. "No way!" Conner shouted in astonishment, making Gar nod and laugh with Conner. Conner's laugh calmed down and he looked at Hazel. "What's a tiger?" Hazel doubled over in laughter and covered her mouth with her hand.

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