007 - I Believe In Hope, Don't You?

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— i believe in hope, don't you? —

IT WAS EERILY SILENT; THE ONLY SOUND WAS SHYLEEN'S SOFT BREATHS. Hazel stood in the doorway, looking at Shyleen who Cliff had carried to an upstairs room. She was still wrapped tightly in a blanket and Rita had set a cup of tea and water on the nightstand for when she woke up. 

"There you are!" Larry called out and Hazel spun around. Larry strolled towards Hazel, holding a brown jacket at his side. "We have dessert ready. Rachel said you like tea."

Hazel nodded, sparing a glance at Shyleen before walking to Larry. "She'll be okay. If Chief can save us, he can save her," Larry promised.

"What exactly did he save you from?" Hazel questioned.

"I guess you'll find out." Larry held his hand out, holding up a Schott sheepskin leather bomber jacket, the leather a light brown the inside lined with white cotton. "Gar said you didn't have a jacket, and this is too small for me."

Hazel took it with a smile, "Thanks, Larry." Hazel pulled it one fluffing the collar out. "Now, you said there was tea?"

Hazel laughed with Larry as they walked to the dining room. Everyone sat where they originally did except for Rita, who now sat next to Cliff and the chief sat at the head of the table. After a few minutes of everyone collecting their desserts, Hazel settling for a rose tea, Rachel spoke up. "We didn't mean to be any trouble," Rachel apologised. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," Chief waved off, his jacket discarded leaving it hanging on his chair. "You girls helped us save that young woman's life, and we are very grateful for it. You were a surprise to me. That's all."

"I tried to warn the kids," Cliff said.

The Chief nodded and turned to Rachel and Hazel. "Well, we keep what we're doing here very secret, you see?" Chief explained in a soft voice and Rachel nodded.

Hazel stirred her tea and looked up at the Chief, "What do you do here?"

The thought of such a mismatched group hiding from the world, and more so the fact Gar's interaction with Hazel at the arcade was the most he'd interacted with someone in months sounded so foreign to her.

Chief smiled softly, "I help people that others have given up on. I go beyond what medical science is willing to do because I believe in hope. Don't you?" Rachel looked down and Hazel stirred her tea.

He turned his attention down the table, smiling at Rita. "Our dear Rita," She looked up, taking a bit of the small cake, "she had been in an institution for decades after a toxic gas left her cells unstable. I freed her."

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