012 - The Asylums Devil Doctor

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— the asylums devil doctor —

BATS AND OWL CALLS ECHOED THROUGH THE DARK WOODS, AND THE ELECTRICAL HUM OF THE ASYLUM LIGHTS FILLED THE REMAINING SILENCE. Hazel ditched the car a few streets before the asylum and she, Rachel and Gar walked together through the woods, keeping close together. They stepped as they got closer, peeking out from behind a large tree. The asylum was a large building, with cars moving in and out, and a dozen men with guns patrolling the perimeter.

"I think we'll have to try the south entrance away from the guards," Gar advised, peeking over Hazel's shoulder. "I don't think it's a safe bet, but-"

Hazel looked back at Gar. "But what? None of this was a safe bet." Hazel sighed. "We should have waited for Dick."

"I mean, we came this far, right?" Gar shrugged. "Be stupid to back out now."

Rachel nodded, the nervousness setting in. "So... which way?" Rachel asked, keeping her voice steady.

"Uh..." Gar sighed, looking around the trees. "After you." Rachel nodded and stepped out, but Hazel stopped her.

"I'm going first," Hazel whispered. Hazel looked over her shoulder before walking onwards, acutely aware of how much noise the leaves under her feet were making.

"So, do you think she's my mom?" Rachel asked, looking forward. Two men walked from the woods, grabbing Gar and tasing him until his knees buckled. Rachel was grabbed as well, getting tased in her side. Hazel turned as she heard their bodies hit the ground. One man rushed at Hazel, but she made the roots lift from the ground and wind around his ankles. The second jumped over the man, tackling Hazel to the ground. Hazel grabbed his hands before he could taser her, but he reacted quickly and punched Hazel's temple, disorienting her.

Her hands slipped from the man's wrist and the man tased her chest, knocking her unconscious.

Dick parked the minivan by the fence, closer than Hazel had parked the car she stole. "What are the chances our three geniuses haven't gotten caught yet?" Kory asked as they stepped from the car.

"Next security sweep is in ten minutes," Dick reminded, pulling out a flashlight. "Let's go." Dick and Kory weaved their way through the tunnels, Dick looking down at his phone for directions. The tunnels seemed to run forever, gas and water lines running along the walls, water droplets hitting the floor and echoing. "Left when we get to the end of the tunnel."

They rounded the corner, the small lights glowing a sickly green against the metal walls. A doctor pushed out an unconscious Gar, who was strapped to a wheelchair. "Gar!" Dick shouted.

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