008 - The Blood Of The Gods

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— the blood of the gods —

THE NIGHT AIR FLOWED THROUGH HER HAIR, HER CURLS FALLING OVER HER EYES. Hazel and Cole walked through the doors of Wayne Manor, walking to the kitchen where Conner moved quickly around the stove. "Uh Hazel! Cole! Hi!" Conner yelled trying to use the tea towel to diffuse the dark smoke.

Cole cursed and rushed to Conner, taking the pan and adding a glass of water, saving whatever sauce Conner was making. "Thank you..." Conner mumbled, stepping back letting Cole take over. "I miss Gar."

"Where'd he go?" Hazel asked, moving beside Cole to help cook the steaks, making sure they didn't burn.

"He and Kory went-" Conner quickly cut himself off and shrugged. "I'm not sure. I kinda fought with Gar about... yesterday." Conner's words trailed off as he noticed Hazel's shoulders tense up. " I'm sorry I couldn't do more."

Hazel sighed and set the pan down, turning it to a simmer. She turned back to him and smiled. "It wasn't your fault, you did all that you could, everyone did." Hazel took a long breath and turned back to the pan. "Thank you for trying Conner."

Cole and Hazel were able to save dinner and by the time they finished plating Conner's head snapped up. "Kory's back," He announced and the pair looked up. "Gar too."

"Finally," Hazel sighed, throwing the hand towel high over her head into the sink. Conner walked out into the open living space, but Cole grabbed her arm.

"Do I look okay?" Cole asked, his voice nervous as he took his hand back to flatten out the thick, white cotton jumper.

"Why does it matter?" Hazel asked, her eyebrows creasing in confusion.

Cole threw his arms u as if what she had said was the most insane thing ever presented. "Kory's an alien queen!"

"So? You're a demi-god." Cole sighed through his nose and Hazel huffed. "Tuck the jumper in and fix your hair." Cole rolled his eyes and thanked her as he tucked the front of his jumper into his brown pants. 

Hazel shook her head and chuckled at him before they followed Conner out to the living space. Hazel went to rush down the stairs but stopped as she noticed the tall, dark-skinned woman with dark purple hair. "Uh, who is this?" Hazel questioned, her eyes moving from the woman in black leather and spiked jacket up to Kory.

"Kory's sister," Gar answered, making his way to the stairs. "Komand'r aka Blackfire."

Hazel turned to question him more, but her eyes widened. "What happened to your eye? You're bruised," Hazel said quickly, rushing down the stairs to meet him. Hazel carefully placed her hand on his face and tilted his head to see the corner of his eye. "Christ Gar." Her fingers traced along the bone, the bruise fading quickly.

GODS , g logan | Re-writeWhere stories live. Discover now