- PAIN -

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we use our pain,
in service of payment.
we observe those who will take that pain,
we complain of that pain,
we exploit that pain,
and when they come to judge us,
you can only pray the GODS leave our pain.

HAZEL LILLIS had faced death, taken its hand and walked herself back to the living. For the moments her life had left her, she had brought death back with her, a growing nightmare refusing to leave her mind. With her power growing stronger, so did her pain. With her anger growing large, so did her nightmares.

TERRAN CLAIRE had answered the calls of a great power and followed its voice to a home filled with pain. A girl who had only faced the struggle of being a teenage girl walked into hell with her head held high, knocked thrice on its gates and demanded an answer from Satan himself. 

— More than cannon gore
— Alcoholism and addictions
— Torture mental and physical, beyond cannon presented
— PTSD, nightmares
— References to sex slavery in chapter 18 (its heavily implied but not stated outright) 


— Act two of the gods re-write (yay!)
— Alot of this act has been re-written, like a massive overhaul. Season two is my least favourite season and writing this originally, I just wanted to move onto season three so Hazel just coasted through the plot and Terran did nothing. HOWEVER so much has been added, Hazel and Hanks relationship, Hazel and Jason, Terran as a character (and her frenemies to lover's plot (if you read the OG version get excited))
— Also, JayGar is absolutely a thing, Ryan said Gar was Bi and I ran a marathon with that so that's the only really noticeable cannon divergence

Gods, re-write

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