007 - Unknown Shared History

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— unknown shared history —

17 July, 2019

THE ROOM WAS DARK, HANK AND HAZEL'S FACES ONLY ILLUMINATED BY THE TV SCREEN. The credits of the movie started to roll, and Hank groaned, mumbling something about how stupid the movie was. He flipped his phone over to check the time, but a message chimed. Hank sighed and Hazel turned to him. Hazel pulled herself to sit up right, "Gar?"

Hank shook his head. "Dick actually, Has Hazel come by? Still no sign of her."

Hazel lifted her hands to massage the back of her neck. "I was trying to get back to Michigan, back to my old house," Hazel started, and Hank turned to her, tossing his phone aside. She took a deep breath and pulled her knees to her chest. "I wanted to go home. I know someone's living in my old house, my rooms not mine anymore, but I never went back for my stuff. And my mom..." Hazel swallowed the lump in her throat, trying to keep her voice steady. "My mom's buried there, and I haven't been able to see her."

Hank sighed and turned his head away, "Dick would have flown you over in minutes. Why are you really out here?"

"Before I decided to take a bus trip across America... I- I did something bad, like really, really bad. I couldn't stop the nightmares; I couldn't handle how sick I felt. So, I did- I did the only thing I could think of to stop it." Hazel wound her hands together, the sound of her heart pounding in her skull. "I got rid of CADMUS."

March 24, 2021

A low burning sensation ran over Hazel's bones, but it left no pain in its wake, just fuelled by emptiness. Hazel opened her eyes, the rays of the sun lightening her eyes. She pushed herself up, all of the pain rushing at her at once. "Hey, hey, hey..." Cole said quickly, rushing to her side to help her sit properly. The moment his hands grabbed her arms, the pain left in an instance.

Hazel rubbed her eyes and turned to Cole, her eyebrows furrowing. "Cole?" Hazel questioned; her voice still hoarse. "How- How long was I out?"

Cole sat beside Hazel and ran his hands over his jeans. "Barely a minute, but I sent you to sleep," Cole explained, keeping his voice low. "Gar said you still feel it after, so I let you sleep for a whole night." Cole raised his eyebrows teasingly at Haze making her laugh. Their laughs settled and Cole took a breath. "I'm sorry about Hank."

Hazel nodded softly and looked down at her hands. Cole reached over and put his arm around her shoulders, rubbing circles with his thumb against her shoulder. Hazel shook her head and pressed the heel of her palm against her forehead. "I'm sorry I dragged you into this," Hazel mumbled. "I can have a car come 'round and take you back home."

"I was actually hoping to stick around for a while," Cole said, shrugging softly. "I know I don't really know you, but something inside me feels... correct. Like I'm where I'm meant to be."

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