005 - The Doctor Of Light

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— the doctor of light —

HAZEL FINGERS TAPPED AGAINST THE ARMREST OF THE SPINNING CHAIR. Dick leaned between her Gar, pulling up a dozen files and lighting up the computer screens before stepping back. "Dr Light will need to refuel if he's planning another attack," Dick explained, his arms crossed over his chest. "He'll need a large electric power cell and a light source where he can absorb the energy."

"So, monitor the power grids and keep an eye out for any unusual disturbances," Gar nodded, rolling closer to the desk.

"We find where he's pulling the power from, we find him," Dick confirmed. He knocked his foot against Hazel's chair and she looked up. "Hazel I need you to let us know if your light senses spark."

"Okay, got it," Hazel nodded, pulling her legs onto the chair.

Dick turned to leave but stopped and spun back to the pair. "Oh, hey, uh, everything okay with Rachel?" Dick questioned, and the two looked up at him. "She looked a little strange in training."

Gar glanced at Hazel and her eyes shot down to look at her hands. Gar took a deep breath and looked back up at Dick. "Yeah, yeah. That was just her... training face," Gar lied, playing with the cuffs on his jumper.

"Training face?" Dick repeated.

"She just wants to be ready in case any of the old Titans want to spar," Gar nodded.

"After they settle in," Hazel added and Gar smiled at her.

"They're not gonna settle in," Dick said quickly. Hazel eyebrows furrowed and she glanced at Gar. "Hank and Dawn, and Donna... they're not staying."

"Did something happen between you guys?" Gar asked.

"Keep looking," Dick brushed off, walking away. Hazel looked at Gar and he shrugged.

Hazel sighed and held her hands out, a small orb of gold light floating between her palms. The rays swirled between her fingers, the light pulsing towards the overhead light as she spun the chair around. "You pretty damn good at that," Gar said, glancing between her and the map. "When did that happen? Last I heard you burnt half the kitchen and Dick wouldn't stop lecturing you." Gar laughed softly and Hazel shrugged softly.

"About a month ago. Probably one of the days you were pining for Jason's attention," Hazel mumbled, spinning it around her hand.

"What's that meant to mean?" Gar asked, looking at Hazel from the corner of his eye, a flicker of suspicion crossing his features.

"I, uh," Hazel cleared her throat, her mind racing for an explanation. "Nothing," she dismissed with an uneasy smile. Smooth, Hazel. Real smooth. She stood quickly and started to pace around the room, hoping her fidgeting could disguise the thoughts racing in her mind.

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