•Chapter 5•

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When we arrived at the city of bones everyone got out of Simon's, the mundane, van. Jace and Alec started walking around, Clary going to follow before Jace stopped her. I didn't pay attention, to busy looking at Alec. He looked annoyed, I don't know why though. I know that he doesn't like mundanes, but Clary clearly isn't one. Izzy nudged me before pulling me off to somewhere away from everyone else.
"Just tell him." She said, her arms crossed. I stared at her dumbfounded.
"Tell who what?" I asked confused. She laughed.
"Tell Alec that you like him. It's obvious, Claire. He would already know if he wasn't so oblivious to everything you do. I mean, even Jace can see it. Not to mention, he totally likes you too." I laughed at her.
"Iz, I love you. You know that right?" She nodded.
"So know that when I tell you that you are completely out of your damn mind, I'm saying it in complete and utter love." I said while smiling sarcastically. She rolled her eyes and motioned for me to continue.
"Isabella, I do not like Alec. Okay? And he does not like me, never will. So, don't ever bring this up again because I do not like Alec." I said slowly, hoping it will sink in. She looked behind me and smirked. I rolled my eyes.
"You so like him." Izzy said. I let out a groan.
"No, I don't." He does have a pretty damn good looking face though. Wait, what? I did not just think that. But I mean it's true,- wait no. God, I need to stop. Maybe it's just me not sleeping. Yeah, I'm just sleep deprived. I was shaken out of my thoughts by Izzy.
"Claire? Claire!" She yelled. I nodded hazily.
"Are you sure you don't like my brother?"
"Yes. No. Maybe?" I said fast before my eyes widened and my hand shot to my mouth.
"Did I just say what I think I just said?" I asked. Izzy nodded smiling like a Cheshire Cat.
"Look, don't tell him. I don't even know if I do or not. Besides, he will never like me back even if I do like him." She stayed silent, her smile being wipe off her face at my words.
"Izzy, please don't." She nodded before grinning widely and walking off, leaving me to my thoughts.
Twenty minutes later and I was still in the exact same spot, my eyes wide and my mouth slightly hung open. I heard footsteps coming closer to me but ignored it. I had just admired that I possibly like Alec Lightwood to his fucking sister, who can't keep a secret for dear life. My life is over, over I tell you. Alec was going to find out and then he'd obviously turn me down in a really embarrassing way. Dear god, somebody pray for me because I'm going to hell. A hand being placed on my shoulder brought me back to earth. I blinked twice before my vision zeroed in on the person who was touching me. It was Alec, for fucking same what did I do to deserve this life. I smiled like an awkward turtle, looking up at him since he was a giant compared to me.
"Hey." He said awkwardly. We stood there in an awkward silence for a minute before I broke it.
"Did..." I trailed off not finishing my sentence.
He shook his head.
"I heard." My eyes widened. That little bitch knew he was there and didn't say anything. I'm going to kill her, oh god I'm going to murder Isabella.
"Oh...I'm just going to..." I trailed off nodding towards Izzy and Simon before quickly walking off. I stormed up to Izzy, her eyes widening a considerable amount.
"Isabella Lightwood I'm going to kill you!" I screeched while jumping on her, throwing both of us to the ground.

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