•Chapter 6•

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Izzy quickly pushed me off of her and shot up. I stood up slowly, my eyes narrowed at her.
"I am going to murder you." I said angrily. She nodded before turning around and running. I chased after her, grabbing a hold of her shoulder and throwing her to the left. She threw her had out and I ducked, missing her fist. In my ducked position I swiftly swiped my foot out, which she jumped over. She laughed, stepping back and getting into a defensive position. I did the same, and we stood waiting for someone to make a move. I noticed her step back, her tell that she was about to kick and sure enough she did. I caught her foot and quickly somersaulted to the side, throwing Izzy to the ground.
"It's not my fault!" She yelled while laughing slightly. I let out a small screech.
"Like hell it isn't!" We both stood up, immediately being pulled back when we went to fight again. My arms where pulled behind me, my body being jerked back and secured tightly by whoever grabbed me and Izzy was pulled backward by a hesitant Simon. I tensed, knowing that it was Alec who held me back. I cleared my throat, glaring at Izzy as she laughed. I let a smile slip into my lips, soon enough to laughing with her. Simon looked between us bewildered.
"Is this a common thing?" He asked confused and wide eyed. I shrugged, to the best of my ability.
"Yeah, not always with me though. She beat Jace's ass a few days ago because he ate her food." I hummed in agreement, stepping on Alec's foot and twisting out of his grip before walking off. I walked up to the bridge, finding the old and rusted ladder that was still there after all these years. I climbed it, sitting down on the support for the bridge. My feet dangled as I sat on the edge of the concrete that connected two pillars. Resting my head on the pillar next to me before getting lost in my thoughts. I didn't like Alec, right? That would be completely unprofessional, not to mention go against everything I'd ever been taught. I was taught that emotions where a barrier between you and your full potential. So I blocked everyone out, didn't let anyone in other than Izzy. She'd seen me cry during sad parts of movies, laugh at the stupidest of things, and occasionally break down when everything became too much. She was my best friend, my sister, my parabati. We had an unbreakable bond that no one would ever understand. But that was her, not Jace and most definitely not Alec. I shouldn't have any feelings for Alec, but I do and that scares the shit out of me. I've blocked out anyone who has ever tried to get close to me other than Izzy. Now all of the sudden I have feelings for Alec that I don't even know are real or not. For all I know this is just some infatuation that will be gone in a few days. He doesn't like me anyways, and he'll never. He thinks of me as a sister, that's all I'll ever be. I stood up and walked to the pillar furthest from me. I felt around, smirking when I came across a old and weathered rune. I pulled out me stele drew the rune and put it back before grabbing onto the small block that had popped out and pulled it out. Numbers were revealed and I quickly typed in the password. The block shot back in and a door slid open. I walked in, going down the staircase and into the secret room. I pulled off my shoes and clothes, leaving me in my underwater and bra before walking up to the bed and slipping in. I am so grateful for having this made when I was younger, I could finally put it to use again. I closed my eyes and let the darkness soon consume me. A little nap wouldn't hurt, besides Jace or Alec would know where I am if they decide to leave.

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