•Chapter 11•

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I caught up with him a block away from Hotel DuMort, and grabbed onto his shoulder. He stopped and spun around looking at me expectantly. I took a deep breath, trying to decide what to say when Alec pulled me closer to him. I looked up at him confused, but my feelings overpowered me and my gaze flickered to his lips for a fraction of a second.
"What?" I whispered.
"I, uh-fuck it." He whispered before leaning down and pressing his lips against me. I kissed back, my hands finding there way to his neck as he held onto my waist. We moved in sync, a slight moan coming from the back of my throat as he bit my lip slightly. We moved feverishly, neither of us wanting to stop. I felt my back push up against a building and tilt my head back slightly, my back arching as his hands moved to just under my ass. I took this as a signal and jumped up, my legs wrapping around his waist. I opened my mouth slightly, a low moan coming out. We pulled away at the same time, our lips swollen and my eyes wide. I rested my forehead against his, our breath mixing.
"What was that for?" I asked quietly, still in shock. Alec smiled a bit.
"I've been in love with you since I was ten." He admitted, causing me to smile.
"Oh really now?" I asked teasingly. He rolled his eyes before kissing me again. I smiled into the kiss, my phone buzzing repeatedly a few seconds later. I pulled away, and looked at Alec. He raised his eyebrow questioningly, and I groaned.
"My phone is in my pocket dumbass." He blushed slightly and let me down. I grabbed my phone and answered Izzy.
"Uh-hey?" I said awkwardly. I had just been making out with her brother, it was awkward.
"Where are you!?"
"With Alec, on our way..." I said a tad sheepishly.
"Well hurry up!" She exclaimed before hanging up on me. My mouth hung open, that bitch hung up on me! Alec laughed and shook his head, then started walking again. I stood shocked for a moment, before continuing on with him. We made it to Hotel DuMort in twenty minutes, thankfully our lips now back to normal. We went to where Izzy told us to meet her. She was waiting impatiently, and when we got there told us to split up. I would go by myself while Izzy and Alec went together. I broke off from the pair, my bow ready with an arrow just incase. Eventually I made it into the hotel, so far it was clear but knowing my luck it wouldn't last for long. I kept my arrow at ready. Sensing someone behind me, I spun around and let the arrow fly. It pierced through the air at the speed of light, embedding itself in the vampires skull. The vampire sizzled up and turned to dust, more coming to see what the commotion was. I quickly shot as many as I could before my arrows ran out. I slung my bow back and pulled my sword out of my bootie, activating it. I held the sword in front of me, twirling it around and wielding it like a katana. I had learned how to use a katana when I was young and had learned how to apply those skills to swords, making me more balanced and in tune with the weapon. I stabbed the vampire that came at me, slicing another before piercing their heart. Soon it was just one on one. I twirled around, dodging the vampire and proceeded to slice into its side, leaving a gash. It threw the vampire off balance long enough for me to cut its head clear off its body. I smirked, hearing a scream. I spun around, my weapon still in hand to see Clary, Jace, Alec, and Izzy. Jace glared slightly at me, motioning towards Clary.
"What the hell got her scared?" I asked confused. It wasn't like killing a demon was something new, they all knew my methods were a tad more terrifying than theirs but they accepted it and were used to it.
"You can't just go around and cut people's head off Claire!" Jace said sternly. I scoffed, knowing why he was so upset now.
"If the little girl can't deal with what comes with this job then she shouldn't be here. In this world is kill or be killed, I'm not just going to stop because some crybaby who lost her mommy can't handle it." I sassed him, annoyed as hell.
"She-" Jace started before I cut him off.
"Your not our leader Jace. So quite acting like it."

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