•Chapter 34•

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To say that everyone was happy would be an understatement, the only people slightly upset are Alec's parents. His mother is ecstatic that we got our shit together and figured whatever the hell we are out, and so is his father, but they're both incredibly bothered by how this only happened at Alec and Lydia's wedding.
But now we had a new problem, we needed to find the Book of the White and we need to find it fast. Valentine is getting closer and closer with every minute, and for all we know he might already be seconds away from getting the book.
Our only lead right now was that Camille had the book last, and we know that Raphael has her, so that's where Clary, Simon, and Izzy were heading off to. Alec and Jace however were about to set off on a search for Hodge, for he had attacked Lydia last night and taken the Mortal Cup, while I was staying behind and waiting for either group to call for backup.

I was currently with Lydia in the infirmary, playing a game on my phone as she slept. I had gone into overprotective sister mode the second I heard about her attack, and no one was going to take me away from her unless it was super important.
"Claire?" I turned to Lydia quickly.
"Hey, Lyds," I spoke softly, "how're you doing?" She pushed herself up, wincing slightly.
"I've definitely been better." I hid a smile at her sarcasm.
"Are...are you mad?" I ask sheepishly, picking at a lose thread on her white blanket. I could practically hear her roll her eyes at me.
"Of course not! I'm so happy for you two, Claire. I've always been an Alaire shipper, I swear," Lydia said, smiling at me. I smiled back, before jumping as my phone dinged. I pulled it back out from my pocket, seeing that Izzy had texted me.
Izzy: Camille told us where it is, she's taking us now. Meet us there?
Claire: Good, and of course I will. Send me the address and I'll leave as soon as I can.
Izzy: Thanks, C. 46814 Claywood, NY
I closed my phone and put it back into my pocket, smiling apologetically at Lydia.
"Duty calls, sis. I'll be back as soon as we're done, I promise."
"Don't worry, Claire. I'm a shadowhunters too, I know that it comes first," she said, nodding at me. I nodded back before getting up and rushing to my room, needing to change out of the dress that I was still wearing from last night.
I quickly changed into a pair of ripped boyfriend jeans, a tight white bodysuit that tied up in the front, and a pair of wine colored velvet platform heels, before rushing out of the institute and to the address Izzy had sent me.

I arrived almost an hour after Izzy, Clary, Simon, Magnus, and Alec had, but the group was still searching for the Book of the White so I joined them in their search. Clary and Simon went together, and Alec and Magnus went off by themselves, while Izzy and I looked as a pair.
We were upstairs searching through a bookcase when both of us were grabbed by two circle members, our hands grasped behind us and a blade at our necks.
I tried to fight back, but Izzy was quick to stop me. I listened to my parabati and stopped striving, letting the rogue shadowhunters drag us downstairs. The rest of the group was also restrained, other than Jace and Clary.
Clary stood holding the Book of the White while Jace stood with his seraph blade aimed at Valentine.
"-You can have the book, we won't be able to stop you without it," Clary said, quick to come to the rescue of all of us.
"Ah, Clarissa. So much like your mother, willing to do anything for those you love," Valentine said, "I'm touched, but the book was never part of my plan. I want you to wake up your mother, I know you'll both join me eventually. It's fated." I scoffed, hiding it when the devil himself looked at me.
"In fact you can bring your little friend too, I'm sure she'd be a wonderful addition to our army," Valentine continued, still looking at me. I laughed awkwardly, shaking my head slightly.
"Or you know, maybe not?" I muttered to myself, not missing Izzy trying to get me to shut up. Valentine ignored me, turning to Jace instead.
"You ready?" Jace looked over us all, and I finally understood what was happening. Jace was going with him, he was leaving us. He lowered his blade.
"If I go with you," Jace paused, "promise me you won't hurt them."
"You have my word."
"This is insane!" Both Clary and I blurted out.
"I'm sorry Claire, Clary." I was tearing up now, not being able to do anything but watch as one of my best friends, my family, chose to save us and go to the other side.
"Jace, what are you doing...you can't be serious!" Clary's voice broke, "Valentine is wrong. You're not like him, I'm not, you're not!" Jace just shook his head, talking over her.
"You don't know that, Clary! You don't know."
Valentine signaled his help, walking back to the portal he took to get here.
"Let them go." At the command we were all released, Simon immediately going to Clary while Izzy, Alec, and I tried to get to Jace.
"Get back, get back, Alec. I mean it," Jace said, holding his hand out to Alec and his blade out to Izzy. I stood in the middle of the two siblings, looking at Jace sadly.
"Please don't, Jay-Jay," I said, using my old nickname for him. He looked at me crestfallen, shaking his head at me.
"I'm sorry, but I have to," and with that he turned around, following Valentine into the portal. Clary ran forward, calling out his name, while I crumbled to the floor. I sobbed silently, covering my mouth with a shaking hand.
Alec stopped Clary from running into the portal, holding her back as she struggled to run forward.
"What are you doing?" She cried.
"Saving your life. If you enter a portal without knowing where you're going, you'll be stuck in limbo forever."

We were back at the institute, everyone crowded around Jocelyn as Magnus preformed the spell to wake her. All of us were somber, and Alec was practically holding me up as I leaned into him.
I still couldn't believe that Jace had actually went with him, that he had given himself over to Valentine to save us. I understand that he wanted to help us, but I don't think we've ever been worse off. None of us will rest till we get Jace back, and I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Should I make an Instagram for this account?
I DID. It's queenofhearts233 so go follow ittt❤️

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