•Chapter 12•

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I stormed off in the direction of Camille's head quarters, pissed at Jace. He isn't my leader, non of them are. He can't just push me around and think he can tell me what I can and can't do. Caught up in my thoughts I didn't notice the vampire until it was too late, it attacked me and bit into my neck messily. I screamed loudly, shoving it off me and collapsing at the amount of blood loss and pain I was in. The vampire attacked me again, this time biting into the other side of my neck. I let out another scream but used the position to my advantage and dug my sword into the vampires heart. It turned to dust and I dropped my weapon. I was too weak, the vampire from earlier had already taken a lot of my blood and now I wouldn't heal. If someone didn't get to me soon I was a goner. I let out a whimper as my vision went in and out of focus and slowly faded away until there was nothing left. I was confused as hell and in immense pain. My neck felt like it was on fire. What confused me was that I was still fully conscious, just couldn't see. I heard multiple footsteps rush to me.
"Oh my god! Claire!" Izzy yelled.
"No...this is not happening." Jace whispered softly to the point where I almost couldn't hear. Alec however didn't say anything, but I could tell it was him who started to look at my neck to see what had happened and how to stop the bleeding.
"Claire? Claire wake up." Alec demanded. I whimpered.
"I can't see. I-i can't see a-anything."
"Shit, we have to get her out of here now." Jace said.
"Why?" Izzy questioned with her usual amount of sass.
"Because if we don't then she'll die." He said gravely. It was silent for a while before someone picked me up and cradled me to their chest, I could tell it was Alec. I don't know how but I just did. I felt a pain in my chest, pushing against my lungs and let out a cry.
"Claire? Claire what's going on." Jace rushed out.
"It hurts. It hurts so much." I cried out.
"Give her to me." Jace said, I felt my self he passed over to him and turned into his hold. I let out another cry, clawing at my chest. The group kept walking, before turning into what I presume to be Camille's headquarters.
"Simon!" Clary exclaimed. It was at this point my ears starting ringing. I winced, sooner or later something was going to happen. The only problem is that I didn't know what.
"Shhhhh. It's okay, it's gonna be okay." Jace whispered. I nodded before letting out another cry as a wave of pain coursed through my body.
"Jace...I-I can't..." I whimpered.
"Just hold on Claire, just hold on." At the moment the group was rushing through a tunnel of sorts, the vampire holding Simon making us. My hearing had faded in and out during their conversation, the only time it staid was when I was talking to Jace or he was talking to me. I faintly heard a door burst open, and after a minute I could feel the wind blowing. I let out another cry as the pain on my chest grew worse, I felt like screaming.
"What's happening to her?!" Clary shouted.
"She'll be fine." Jace assured. My body started to go numb, the only thing I could feel was the pain.
"Alec!" Jace yelled in an aggressive voice. I lurched forward and fell out of his hold. A scream pierced the air as I landed, a short one. One that lessened the pain.
-3rd pov-
Claire's scream pierced the air, all five of the group practically dropping at the sound. Alec and Izzy looked confused while Simon and Clary were confused. Jace however knew what was happening, they had to get her away from people or they would die. A wail of a banshee was deadly as it was, a shadow hunter banshee was ten times worse.

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