•Chapter 13•

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I was locked in a room, someone deciding it would be better. I was close to breaking, my neck hurt, my chest felt like a million pounds where on it, I couldn't see, and I could no longer hear. I screeched, feeling the pain in my chest dull a bit before deciding that if they locker me in here, then I might as well let it out before it consumed me. I sucked in a breath, before letting it out. I felt myself shake, my senses coming back as my scream grew longer. First was my hearing, it was the worst. My scream pierced the air, no doubt being heard. Next was my sight, I could see what a mess I was. Blood covered me, but the pain was still worse. The pain went as I grew tired and screamed longer. When it was gone, the scream stopped. I was out of breath, and felt like I just ran around the earth five times. But I wasn't in pain, my healing rune finally started working and my neck was almost healed. I collapsed to the ground, this thing will be my downfall. That bitch just had to bite me, just had to draw out that side of me. The side I pushed away and drowned years ago. The side that no one ever knew about, no one but Jace. A few minutes later the door was unlocked, and one by one they came in. I was on my knees, staring at my shaking hands in fear. My entire body was shaking, and tears silently streamed down my face. No one came closer, no one but Jace. Jace knew what had happened, what this meant. He knelt beside me and hugged me close. I didn't hug him back, just stared and stayed still. I couldn't talk, I couldn't find myself to move. I was in a state of peace yet utter destruction. My mind was destroying my body, I no longer had control. Yet I was peaceful to anyone else.
"It's okay Claire." He whispered before standing up, pulling me with him. Izzy hesitantly stepped forward, looking at me concerned.
"Jace, what's wrong with her?" She asked, wide eyed. Jace looked at me before answering.
"She's gone catatonic. It's a side effect, I guess." He told them before dragging me with him, out of the room I was once encased in. They followed after us, Alec asking the next question.
-3rd pov-
"I don't think that's what's he meant."
"She's a banshee, something triggered that part of her and caused everything that she's been pushing away to come flooding back. For years she's suppressed that side of her, it was to strong to hold back. So when she let it out, it did this." Jace finally explained what they had all been wanting to know. Claire wasn't just a shadowhunter, she was a harbinger of death, a banshee, as well. That was why she went missing for periods of time, she was getting that part of her under control. She was drowning it out, by drowning herself. She drowned herself for years, and they had no idea. The two Lightwoods and Fray stood still, not following as Jace dragged Claire into his room. He laid her on his bed before shutting his door and locking it, no one could know about this. He walked back to Claire, looking at her still blood covered form. She would recover in a few days, a week at the most. Until then, Jace would take care of her. He walked into his bathroom and grabbed a hand towel and a cup that he filled with lukewarm water. He walked back to Claire, dipping the towel into the water and starting to wash away the blood that stained her skin. Jace washed her hands first, then her arms and legs. How blood had gotten on Claire's legs he didn't know. He did that first before pulling off her leggings, replacing them with a pair of his sweatpants. Jace then continued washing away the blood on her neck and chest. Once that was gone he took off her crop top and managed to get a black t-shirt on her. After that he got a fresh towel and clean water, and washed the blood and makeup off her face. Jace looked at her hair confused. What the hell was he going to do with it. He thought before pulling it up into a bun the best he could. Once content with his work, he threw out her bloodied clothes before pulling the blankets over her and changing himself. He got picked up a pillow and threw it into the floor, getting a blanket before laying down and covering himself with it. He fell asleep there, on the floor, with thought of Claire filling his head.

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