10. Old Enemies

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Rachel's eyes fluttered open to reveal the damp cavern. She saw bats hanging from above.

"Oh my god," She mumbled to herself. He really was a Batman.

"How do you feel?" Came (Y/N)'s voice. He was still dressed as Batman.

"Where are we? Why did you bring me here?"

"If I hadn't, your mind would now be lost. You were poisoned."

"I remember... Nightmares. This face, this mask... Crane. It was Crane!" She struggled to get up, slipping off the table. (Y/N) caught her.

"Rest. Gordon has Crane." He gently lashed her back on the table.

"Is Sergeant Gordon your friend?"

"I don't have the luxury of friends."

"Why did you save my life?"

"Gotham needs you."

"And you serve Gotham?"

"I serve justice."

"Perhaps you do."

(Y/N) held up the pneumatic syringe and a pair of vials. "I'm going to give you a sedative. You'll wake up back home, and when you do, get these to Gordon, and Gordon alone. Trust no one."

"What are they?"

"The antidote. One for Gordon to inoculate himself, the other to start mass-production. Crane was just a pawn. He was working for someone else."

"Ghul... something Al Ghul..."

"Ra's Al Ghul. It's not him. He's dead."

"How do you know?"

"I watched him die."

(Y/N) approached with the syringe. Rachel held out her arm, and he injected her. Her eyes closed slowly, and when they were shut, (Y/N) removed his cowl, some of his (H/C) hair standing on end from static.


Gordon was on the phone with a water board technician. "Someone's been dumping a dangerous contaminant into the supply from this location for days, maybe weeks-"

"If that's true then it's already spread through the whole system. But no one's reported any effects..."

"It must be like chlorine or fluoride. Harmless to drink, but when you breathe it it's deadly. Look, wake up your boss, see if there's a way to flush out the system."

He hung up, then noticed a shipping crate in the corner.

He turned to a nearby cop. "Open that up."


(Y/N) emerged from the bookcase. Alfred was waiting there, with a dinner jacket over his arm. (Y/N) grabbed it and dressed with haste.

"Rachel's sedated. You can take her home."

"Very good, sir."

"Is Fox still here?" Alfred nodded. "Tell your staff to stop serving drinks and move everybody on after cake."

Alfred nodded, and (Y/N) moved to the door. Alfred stopped him, and handed him a towel. Black makeup was still around his eyes. (Y/N) smiled in thanks and wiped it off before throwing the towel back.

(Y/N) opened the door and walked into the main room. Hundreds of guests were chatting amongst themselves, with food all around. A band was even playing on the far side.

"There he is!" Someone shouted as (Y/N) entered.

The band immediately dropped their current piece and began to play 'happy birthday.'

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