11. Finding the Joker

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"Your name, sir. Please state-"

"8th at Orchard. You'll find Harvey Dent there."


Gordon burst into the apartment, his weapon drawn. He was accompanied by Ramirez and a pair of uniforms.

Two dead men were sitting at a table in the kitchen. They each had a hand of cards, almost like they were in the middle of a game - except all the cards were jokers. Their driver's licenses were also pinned to their chests.

"Check the names," Batman's voice came from a corner of the room.

Gordon did so. "Richard Harvey. Patrick Dent."

"Harvey Dent," Ramirez concluded.

"I need ten minutes with the scene before your men contaminate it," (Y/N) said.

"Us contaminate it?" Ramirez asked, furious. "It's because of you that these guys are dead in the first place-"

Gordon cut her off. "Ramirez."

Ramirez stood down, her and the uniforms standing back to allow (Y/N) to continue working.

He pulled out a small sawing device and located a section of the wall where a stray bullet had flown, sawing off the small potion around where the bullet was embedded.

"That's brick," Gordon said, stating the obvious. "You're gonna try and take ballistics off a shattered bullet?"

"No," (Y/N) said. "Fingerprints."

Ramirez looked at Gordon, giving a look that said 'is he serious?'

"Whatever you're gonna do," Gordon said, "do it fast, cause we know his next target..." Gordon laid down a campaign poster: re-elect Mayor Garcia. The image of the Mayor had a manic grin drawn on it with the words 'ha ha ha' written on it.


Inside the bunker, (Y/N) handed Alfred a bullet magazine and the butler slid it into a computer-controlled tattling gun. The two of them then put on ear protection, and watched as the gun fired a few bullets into identical brick samples.

"I'm not sure you made it loud enough, sir," Alfred remarked, taking off his ear protection.

(Y/N) grabbed the brick sample from the crime scene, then held it up to two of some of the samples, grabbing two and carrying them to an x-ray scanner, which showed him numerous bullet fragment arrays, all in hi-res 3-D.


(Y/N) took the samples to Lucius, who was able to figure out how the specific bullets shattered on impact.

"Here's your original scan," Lucius said, pressing a button. The computer showed a shattered bullet. "Here it is reverse-engineered." He hit another button, this time using a computer simulation to remake the bullet.

"And here's a thumb print from when he pushed a round into the clip," (Y/N) said, pointing out the thumbprint.

"I'll make you a copy," Lucius said. "Mr. (L/N), did you reassign R and D?"

"Yes. Government telecommunications project."

"I wasn't aware we had any new government contracts, can you-"

"Lucius. I'm playing this close to the chest."

"Fair enough."

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