10. Or You Live Long Enough...

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Rachel and Harvey had been able to get a list of Lau's clients, and, soon enough, all of the conspirators were found, tried, and arrested. Some of the head guys were able to make bail, but for the most part, the Mob would be destroyed.

(Y/N) walked into the living room of his penthouse, excited, as Alfred supervised the party arrangements. Harvey's fundraiser was tonight.

He approached Alfred. "How's it going?"

"I think your fundraiser will be a great success, sir."

"And why do you think I wanted to hold a party for Harvey Dent?"

"I assumed it was your usual reason for socializing beyond myself and the scum of Gotham's underbelly: to impress Ms. Dawes."

"Very droll," (Y/N) remarked. "But very wrong. You see-"

He cut himself off as he noticed something on the television. He picked up the remote and flicked one of the buttons, turning the sound on.

It was a news report. The headline read, 'Batman dead?' And on the screen was a video of Batman being lowered from a building - or rather, a fake Batman. This one had clown makeup drawn on his face, but that wasn't even the most gruesome part. The man was hanging from the neck. A joker card was pinned to his body with a knife, and in red writing, it was written: 'Will the real Batman please stand up?'

Mike Engel was speaking on-screen. "Police released video footage found concealed on the body. Sensitive viewers be aware - it is disturbing."

The feed cut to a shaky video, showing the fake Batman lying on the ground. Beaten, bruised, and bloody. No doubt this was filmed from a sort of cell phone, though it was hard to tell what kind.

"Tell them your name," an off-screen voice told him. It sounded raspy, and psychotic.

"Brian Douglas," the man said weakly.

"Are you the real Batman?" The voice asked.


"Why do you dress up like him?"

"He's a symbol... that we don't have to be afraid of scum like you."

"But you do, Brian. You really do. You think the Batman's helped Gotham?"

Brian nodded slightly.

Look at me." Brian turned away. "LOOK AT ME!"

The camera swung around to reveal the red and white face of the Joker. "This is how crazy Batman's made Gotham. You want order in Gotham? Batman must take off his mask, and turn himself in. Oh, and every day he doesn't, people will die. Starting tonight. I'm a man of my word. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

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