9. International Mission

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Gordon had raided the mob banks, with Harvey's approval, and, sure enough, all the money - minus the marked bills - was gone.

(Y/N) stepped onto the rooftop, where the bay-signal had been lit. Only, Gordon wasn't at the site - it was Harvey.

"You're a hard man to reach," Harvey said when he noticed the caped crusader.

Gordon burst onto the rooftop, his weapon drawn. Seeing that it was Harvey, he put it away.

"Lau's halfway to Hong Kong," Harvey said angrily at Gordon, "If you'd asked, I could have taken his passport - I told you to keep me in the loop."

"Yeah?" Gordon asked. "All that was left in the vaults were marked bills - they knew we were coming! As soon as your office got involved, there's a leak-"

Harvey cut him off. "My office? You're sitting down here with scum like Wuertz and Ramirez... oh yeah, I almost had your rookie cold on a racketeering bet."

"Don't try to cloud the fact that clearly Maroni's got people in your office, Dent."

Harvey turned to (Y/N). "We need Lau back, but the Chinese won't extradite a national under any circumstances."

"If I get him to you, can you get him to talk?" (Y/N) asked.

"I'll get him to sing."

"We're going after the mob's life savings," Gordon said. "Things will get ugly."

Harvey turned to Gordon. "I knew the risks when I took this job, Lieutenant. Same as you." He turned. "How will you get him back, anyway?"

But (Y/N) was already gone.

Gordon smirked. "He does that."


Fox stood up from his desk as (Y/N) entered. "Our Chinese friend left town before I could tell him the deal was off."

"I'm sure you've always wanted to go to Hong Kong,"

Fox opened the door into a private elevator, then turned a key. "What's wrong with a phone call?"

"I think Mr. Lau deserves a more personal touch."

Fox led (Y/N) through the massive room of the applied sciences division, "for high altitude jumps, you need oxygen and stabilizers. I must say, compared to your usual requests, jumping out of an airplane is pretty straightforward."

He opened a cabinet and hauled out an oxygen tank as well as some rubber hosing.

"How about getting back into the plane?" (Y/N) asked.

"I can recommend a good travel agent."

"Without it landing."

"That's more like it, Mr. (L/N)." Lucius closed the cabinet and thought for a moment. "I don't think I have anything here. The CIA had a program in the 60's called 'skyhook.' Now..."

He led (Y/N) to another cabinet, this time opening a drawer to reveal a new bat-suit. Armored plating secured to mesh. (Y/N) held up a gauntlet, examining it.

Lucius described the armor. "Hardened Kevlar plates one a titanium-dipped fiber for flexibility. You'll be lighter, faster, more agile..."

(Y/N) accidentally pressed something on the gauntlet, and the scallop blades split in two before launching off, narrowly missing (Y/N)'s head and hitting the filing cabinet nearby.

Lucius grabbed the gauntlet. "Perhaps you should read the instruction manual first."


Lucius put the gauntlet back in place, then held up the chest, which had a new symbol more similar to the batarangs. "Now, there's a trade-off. The spread of the plates gives you weak spots. You'll be more vulnerable to knives, and gunfire."

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