Chapter Four: Failed

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"Doctor Light will have refuel if he's planning another attack. He'll need a large electric power cell and a light source where he can absorb the energy," Dick explains to Gar and Cora in the tech Room.

"So, monitory the power grids and keep an eye-" Gar said.

"-out for any unusual disturbances," Cora finished.

"We find where he's pulling the power from, we find him." Dick said walking out of the room.

"Okay. Got it."

Before Dick left he said, "Oh hey, uhh, everything okay with Rachel? She looked a little strange in training."

Cora shot her head towards Gar looking for help. "Yeah. Yeah, that was just her... training face," Gar said as Cora looked from him to Dick.

"'Training face?" He asked making Cora panic even more.

"She just wants to be ready in case any of the old Titans wanna spar," Gar explained naturally. "After they settle in."

"They're not gonna settle in. Hank and Dawn, Donna... There not staying." Dick explained.

"Did something happen between you guys?" Cora asked.

"Keep looking," Dick said avoiding the question while Gar and Cora turned back to the screen.

After a few minutes Cora broke the silence. "Nice save."


Gar and Cora watched for awhile until finally they found something.

"I'll go get Dick," Gar said leaving the room.

"Yeah, you go do that," Cora replied, eyes glued on the screen.

"Uh, Dick?" Gar said walking into the entrance of the building. "I think we got something."

"There was nothing irregular in the main grid. So we started searching the privacy lines and then this," Gar said as Cora pulled something up on the screen.

"It doesn't look like enough power for Dr. Light, but it's centred around that location," Cora explained to Dick.

"It's a switching station. Kind of like a back door into the grid," Dick said when all of a sudden the light went off.

"Power interrupted. Auxiliary power engaged," a robot voice said.

Cora jumped up after hearing the voice out of no where. She accidentally pumped into Gar.

"Sorry," she muttered before leaving the room after Dick.

They walked to the entrance of the tower and looked out the glass windows. "The cities blacking out," Gar stated the obvious.

"It's Dr. Light," Dick commented.

"He's redirecting the energy...," Cora said standing with her arms folded.

"Looking for a light delivery system..." Dick said.

"To refuel," Cora finished.

"How about a stadium?" Gar pointed out.

Dick, Dawn, Hank and Donna left to take care of Dr. Light, Jason was dressed and ready to go but Dick didn't let him, which he didn't like.


The others arrived home, Hank had a nasty burn on his right leg. Donna went to the infirmary immediately, Hank and Dawn too after speaking with Dick.

"Where's Dr. Light?" Jason asked rubbing it in.

"Jason," Rachel said.

"A little stealth job on a guy who shoots what, street lamps?" Jason continued walking closer to Dick, Gar, Rachel and Cora behind him. "I mean, half the city's on fire and still no sign of Dr. Light."

"Not the time, Jason," Dick warned.

"Look, I don't take orders from you anymore, man," Jason said getting right up in Dick's face. "I do what I want, when I want."

Dick started to walk by but Jason pushed him back.

"Get out of my way," Dick said clearly to Jason.

"I think you got it all wrong. You're in my way," Jason said tempting Dick. "Yeah, and maybe you need to see a retirement package, huh?"

Cora leaned against the wall, arms folded. She fixed her navy beanie, she always wore a beanie. Jason looked back at the others, pulling his hand into a fist. His knuckles cracked.

"Jason, please don't. This isn't gonna end well," Cora muttered looking down at the ground. Gar glanced over at Cora for a second.

"Don't," Dick warned but Jason came at him.

Dick dodged and grabbed Jason's head. He pushed him down onto the floor. Jason hit his head hard. Rachel gasped, Gar scratched the back of her head and Cora shook her head.

"Shit," Dick said. "Here." He held his hand out to Jason, who swatted it away and got up. He stared at Dick before leaving the room.

"Jason, wait," Cora spoke going after Jason.

"She's just worried about him, that's all," Rachel spoke to Gar who just nodded.

It's getting interesting I hope. More jealousy. I'm obviously gonna get Cora and Gar to end up with each other but her and Jason has had history before she met Gar. I don't know yet.

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