Chapter Eleven: Rescue

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Cora must've fallen asleep because when she woke up she was in a different room. Cora looked around. She was strapped to a the arms and legs of a chair. What surprised her was that Jason was beside her. Tied to a chair just like her. Crane entered the room as Jason was waking up.

"I pity you, Jason," Crane spoke to Jason calmly. "You were reckless, and you were impatient last night. And you acted out of fear, not out of strength."

Cora found it hard to listen to Crane. She was starting to have a headache and she was extremely dehydrated.

"You see, you're still afraid of Dick Grayson. And I failed you. I failed you as a teacher," Crane went on. "But here's today's lesson. You know how I broke Batman? It wasn't with fear, it was with patience."

Crane hadn't noticed Cora was awake and she wanted to keep it that way. She pretended to still be asleep.

"I'm going to show you that you don't need to go running around Gotham, trying to destroy the Titans," Crane spoke to Jason. "You can just sit back and watch as the Titans destroy themselves."


Crane had left the room, leaving Cora and Jason alone. It was quiet between them and Cora wanted to keep it that way. But just her luck, Jason had to ruin it.

"Cora, look I'm sorry," Jason apologised.

Cora ignored him and decided to focus on her breathing. She had taken a few pretty hard hits from Crane. Her forehead was bleeding and her lip was busted. Not to mention her fingers. Cora was dehydrated and needed some sort of liquid.

"Please, listen to me," Jason pleaded trying to lean over to her.

"Jason, can you shut up for two minutes?" Cora asked letting out a breath and closing her eyes.

"I know. I know. But I owe you and explanation." Jason paused waiting for Cora to speak.

"When I came back to Gotham, I really wanted to speak with you. I did. But then Bruce took Robin away from me. My only freedom."

Cora listened to him. She pitied the boy. She remembered the first time meeting him. He teased her for being so quiet and that lead to her punching him in the face. He deserved it and he knew it.

Cora just wanted to go back there. Before she met Dick or any of the Titans. Before San Francisco and Deathstroke. Back to her and Jason in the manor.

"Bruce, he took me to a therapist. He told me if I did what he said that I'd get to be Robin again," Jason went on. "But he lied, and said he never wanted me to be Robin again."

"Crane helped me get closure. And I didn't think he was this crazy until it was too late," Jason finished.

"Why? Why are you telling me this?" Cora asked Jason.

"Because I want you to know the truth and that I never meant to hurt you or the Titans," Jason replied.

"Jason. What you're asking me to do is to forgive you after everything you did. All admit that what happened in San Francisco was a mistake," Cora said speaking of Rose and Jason. "But you killed innocent people. Not only that but you killed Hank."

There was silence between. Jason didn't know how to respond to her. He wanted to make things up to her but he didn't know how.

"It's going to take more than the truth to make me forgive you," Cora said, leaving both of them in silence.


Crane entered the room again. Cora and Jason were both awake. He walked over to a computer near them.

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