Chapter Eight: Three Months Ago

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Three Months Ago
Cora had been looking for some information on her past for days now. So far she had nothing but she had gotten in touch with someone who had a lead.

She was meeting the guy at a restaurant near her apartment. She entered the restaurant. It looked cozy. She scanned the place looking for the guy. He said he'd be wearing a red cap. In the corner she seen him.

"You the guy with the info?" Cora asked when she got up to him.

"About the lab?" He asked looking up at her.

Cora nodded and sat down across from him. "What do you know?"

"I know the place you're talking about. But I need something in return," he stated looking her in the eye.

"Money? How much?" Cora asked.

"Five hundred," he replied.

"Three fifty," Cora bargained.

"Four fifty."

"Four hundred," Cora replied talking the money out of her pocket and setting it on the table.

He took the money and put it in his pocket. The man looked around before leaning into her. "The lab burned down years ago. Police investigated but didn't do much to it afterwards. It's an empty sigh right now."

"Where is it?" Cora asked.

"East end. Next to the reservoir. You can't miss it," he replied. "He's all boarded up but couldn't be too hard to sneak in."

Cora reached into her a pocket and pulled out another hundred, placing it on the table. "Don't tell anyone about this conversation."

With that Cora stood up to leave. As she was walking out someone caught her eye.


"Cora, hey," he said awkwardly. He was sitting with a girl. It must've been his friend.

"How are you? I haven't seen you since..." Cora paused. She didn't want to bring it up.

"I'm good," Jason replied after awhile.

There was silence between them before Cora spoke. "Well, uh, I have to go. But we she catch up sometime," she said.

"Yeah, totally," he responded.

Cora left the restaurant straight after and headed for the lab.

Little did she know that would be the last time she'd see Jason before he became Red Hood. They never met up. They never texted. They ignored each other's.

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