Chapter Seventeen: It's Over

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Cora, Jason and Dick were in his car. Dick driving, Jason in the passenger seat and Cora in the back.

"One poem, multiple bombs. Clues to where the bombs are are placed in the poem," Dick spoke trying to explain what Crane was planning.

"What's the plan?" Jason asked.

"Find some supers and stop the bombs from going off," Dick explained.

"Titans? What are they gonna do when they see me?" Jason argued. He was right. Most of them didn't forgive him.

"They're not." Dick went on.

"What's going on?" Jason was confused now.

"Get out," Dick ordered as he parked the car on the side of the street

"Out?" Jason asked.

"I can't bring you back to the Titans. It'll cause a war," Dick explained. "But I do need you."

"So I'm your dirty little secret?" Jason replied angrily.

"You want to help us, this is the way it's gonna be," Dick went on. "I can only fight one war at a time."

"When do you need me?" Jason asked.

"If you don't hear from me before, meet me back here in three hours. Got it?" Dick asked as Jason got ready to get out of the car.

"Yeah," he responded. He exited the car.

"I'm going with Jason," Cora spoke up getting out of the car.

"What?" Dick asked confused.

"Yeah," she replied leaning through the window to speak with Dick. "Just tell Gar I'm okay. Yeah?"

Dick nodded and drove off, leaving Cora and Jason on the side of the road.


Cora and Jason entered the manor, Crane's security pushing them in like prisoners. The security removed all their weapons. Cora's knives, everything. One pointed their gun to her head and spoke. "Don't try anything."

"What in the actual fuck are you trying to pull here? Crane is done with you," Fletcher asked Jason.

"I saw what he did downtown," Jason half lied. "Let's just say I'd rather be in here when the next bomb goes off."

"What the fuck makes you think he'll take you back?" Fletcher asked.

"Pretty sure is getting tired of dealing with his second string," Jason carried on his act. "Plus I brought him a present," Jason said gesturing towards Cora.

Fletcher spoke to Crane over the phone for his permission. "Take him down. I'm gonna go outside, and see if we have any other visitors here," Fletcher replied leaving the room.

The security guards started pushing Cora and Jason through the kitchen. All of a sudden an alarm went off. Cora and Jason looked at each other's and knew what they had to do. It must've been apart of Dick's plan.

Jason elbowed one of the guards in the face and kneed the other one. As the man starting shooting, Jason grabbed a hold of his arm and directed it towards the other men. Jason threw more of them over the counter and kicked one in the head. He took a gun and pointed it at the last guy. The man held his hands up in defence.

"Don't shoot, please," he said.

Jason spun around and kicked the man making him black out.

Jason walked over to where his guns were.

Titans - Subject 13. The Mind. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt