Chapter Thirteen: Home Alone

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Day 1
Cora slept in the next day. She thought since it was only her, Gar and Conner, she wouldn't need to get up early... oh how wrong was she.

Gar woke up early and she could here him from the room next to her.

Is he making a log?

She flipped over and pulled a pillow over her head. She tried going back to sleep gur couldn't when she heard the blender going off. She got up and showered.

When she got into the kitchen Gar was writing on a sticky note. She ignored it and poured herself a cup of coffee.

"Morning," she said to him taking a sip of her coffee.

"You do realise it's the afternoon, right?" Gar informed her.

"Yeah, well, I got up in the morning, then I showered and curled my hair, done my nails, and tried calling Rachel and Jason, and then I finally went to get coffee. So, yeah," she said taking another sip of her coffee.

"You called Jason?" Gar asked kind of hurt.

"Yeah," Cora said quietly feeling guilty that she missed him so much. She needed him. She craved him. That's the effect he had on her.

"Did they answer?" He asked.

"Course...not," she said.


For the rest of the day Cora went to the training room, done a few things, then went to her room and read a book, she then watched a movie on her own. Gar on the other hand read a book to the unconscious Conner.

Day 2
The next day was pretty much like the first but Gar seemed a little pessimistic then the day before. Gar had written a second sticky not but Cora ignored it. Gar done the exact same thing as the day before. Cora and Gar didn't really speak to each other.

Cora had made dinner that night. It was spaghetti. She dished out Gar's and hers and sat down at the table. Gar sat down and they started eating in silence.

Cora finally spoke up. "I knew this wasn't going to be fun or easy but, man, this is the worst," she said chewing on her food.

Day 3
Gar didn't get up his usual time the day after. Cora had to wake him up. He drank his coffee from the pot instead of a cup and he didn't seem to want his green smoothie.

Instead of training in the training room, he played video game and ate pizza. Cora had joined in with him as well and they were having fun a bit.

Cora noticed the long line of sticky notes in the kitchen, most of them saying the same thing. 'All work and no play makes Gar a dull boy.' Cora laughed reading each one.

Later that night Gar was reading 'Hickory, Dickory, Dock' to Conner. The boy was a mess and Cora was the same.

Day 4
Gar and Cora were in the kitchen. Gar looked like he had just woken up and Cora couldn't help but grin at him. The whole place was a mess really. The blinds were down. The kitchen was dirty.

"Gar's log. Stardate..." Gar started but put his phone down.

He had his hand on his head and Cora sat opposite to him, eating cereal. Gar out his head down.

"This sucks," he said. Cora felt bad for him.

"Hi," came a voice.

Gar jumped and looked over to find Conner standing there naked. Cora choked on her cereal and looked over at the boy. She laughed staring at the boy all over.

"Oh, hey. Uh, okay. Um..." Gar said looking away trying not to be awkward but failed. He went on though, "Okay. You're- uh-You're awake."

Cora was practically drooling over the boy and had a smirk on her face.

Gar snapped his fingers in front of her face, snapping her out of her daze.

"Stop looking," Gar told her but Cora didn't listen but laughed instead.

"Alright then," Gar said pulling Cora into him so that her back was against his chest.

He wrapped and arm around her waist and the other one covering her eyes. Cora just laughed at the whole situation.

"You, stay here," Gar told Conner.

Gar brought Cora into his room. He took his hands off her eyes. "Don't come out of this room," he warned her.

Gar still had a hand around her waist. They both stated into each other's eyes for maybe a moment too long. Gar cleared his throat and went back to Conner.


Cora went out for the rest of the day while Gar explained everything to Conner.

Cora had never been out of the Titans Tower on her own. This was new to her. She went around shops and then she found it. The shop she fell in love with. Bubble Tea.

She went in and ordered three drinks. When she left the shop it was already late and the sun was setting. She quickly made her way back to the Titans Tower.

When she got in Gar and Conner were playing video games.

"I'm back," Cora said.

"Where were you?" Gar asked sounding concerned.

"You know, roaming the streets," she said. "And you'll never guess what I found." She held up the three bubble teas she brought back.

"What is that?!" Gar asked.

"Just try it," Cora said handing one to Gar and Conner. Cora poked her straw in and the other copied.

Conner drank it first. His eyes went wide. "This is the best thing I've ever had! Not that I've had loads of thing before," he admitted.

"Not bad," Gar said taking another sip.

Okay so that's their first few days alone. I still have to write about the next day and I'll have something on Cora and Gar for definite. Don't be afraid to recommend ideas for my next chapters or even books.

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