Chapter Nine: Crane's Plan

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Present Day
Kory, Blackfire and Gar had just returned to the manor. They walked into the living room, Blackfire first.

"Don't touch anything," Kory warned her, annoyed about her sister.

"Don't worry, I would never burn down your home. It's so quaint," Blackfire replied as Conner entered the room, confused.

"I said don't touch anything," Kory told her sister again as she picked up a chess piece.

Conner walked over to Gar. "Hey," Gar said to him.

"You're back. With company...," Conner replied looking at Blackfire cautiously.

"Kory's sister. Her homicidal sister. In our house," Gar told Conner.

"Koriand'r, I see you've prepared a welcome gift," Blackfire said eyeing Conner. "Have him washed immediately and returned to my chamber."

"What?" Gar asked confused.

"Uh, yeah. What?" Conner followed.

"Tamaran is a very different planet," Kory explained to her sister.

"Clearly the strapping one is my man servant, here to attend to my needs," Blackfire told Conner.

"Sure. I can attend to your needs," Conner said oblivious.

"That's not what she's talking about," Gar explained to him.

"No, no, we don't do that here. Conner is not your chew toy," Kory explained. "He's one of us. A Titan."

"But is the green one not yours?" Blackfire asked pointing at Gar who just laughed. "I'll need someone to draw me a bath. Where would that be?"

"No one's gonna draw you a bath. Upstairs. Pick a room," Kory told her sister.

Blckafire left the room to go upstairs.

"Wherever Blackfire goes, chaos always follows. Sleep with one eye open," she warned the boys.


It was currently 6:32 AM and Kory was tending to Dick's wound. He had gone out on his own to take down Jason and Scarecrow. He has gotten himself shot

"Dude, that looks horrible," Gar said looking at the wound.

"Five inches over and we'd be burying another body," Kory said patching Dick up. "Barbara's responsible for this?"

"One of her snipers is. Yeah," Dick replied looking up at her.

"On her orders, I'm sure. Maybe I should go and have a word with her," Kory threatened.

"I think there's been enough bloodshed for today. That was way too close, man," Gar replied getting worried.

"I almost had him," Dick replied.

"You're not listening, Dick! You scared us. Going out on your own, getting shot. It's not okay," Kory shouted.

"I didn't want to put you guys at risk," Dick tried to think of an excuse

"Oh, bullshit, Grayson," Gar spoke up.

"Excuse me?" Dick asked confused.

"Dude, Hank blew up! Dawn left us forever. Cora's missing and Jason went dark," Gar started. "This family is dying and you go out alone and get yourself shot?" His eyes were green now and his skin turning green too. "Do you even hear the words coming out of your mouth?"

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