No More Hiding

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Alyssa was done hiding. She had called a press conference the following day to reveal the face of 'Mama Gotham.'

But first.....

Fish Mooney came into her bar yelling at one of her men, but she stopped when she saw someone sitting in her favorite booth.

"I love what you've done with the place." Alyssa grinned, sipping from the glass of wine in her hand. "Really, you have gone up in the world."

"Who are you, and what are you doing in my bar?" Fish said evenly, but her eyes held barely repressed anger.

"Oh, right sorry." she set her wine down and leaned forward. "It has been a while, hasn't it? Maybe this will refresh your memory." Alyssa cleared her throat and put on an innocent face. "N-No, Ms. Mooney, please, I'll be good." she said in a frightened voice.

"Alyssa Connors."

"How ya doin'?" the fear dropped and was replaced with a smirk.

"You're dead."

"Funny, how people keep coming back from the dead today, isn't it?"

Every gun in the room was pointed at her with a snap of the woman's fingers, but having expected such a thing, Alyssa wasn't fazed.

"Oh, you don't wanna do that." she shook her head.

"And why not?"

"Cuz Don Falcone'll kill you." she said, then shrugged. "But hey, if that doesn't matter to you, I won't stop ya." she picked up her wine and downed the remainder of it.

Fish hesitated, but eventually raised a hand and signaled the men to lower their guns.

"You've met Falcone?"

"Mm, one of his men lead me into a car at gun point. I can see where you get that from." Alyssa pushed herself out of the booth. "The old man was curious about the rising power in Gotham that didn't seem to be under his or Maroni's jurisdiction. And obviously freelancing can only get you so far, so he offered me a place at his table."

"Rising power?" Fish shook her head as she spoke, not wanting to believe it. "You're Mama Gotham."

"Ding!" Alyssa laughed. "So, I just stopped by to say hi, tell you thanks for giving me my start. And I look forward to seeing you at the next family meeting." she smirked as she walked past her. "Give my love to Butch."



"Not now!" the detective waved him off. He was still furious with Jim for letting Cobblepot live. Now Fish would be after him, and Alyssa too probably. She didn't know the kid was alive, but she always did have a way of finding the things people cared about.

"Your girl's on the news!"

Wait what?

He came over to the small TV in the precinct to see none other than Alyssa Connors standing in front of city hall with several microphones in her face.

"Am I live?" she asked the person behind the camera, apparently getting a nod as she looked back to the lens. "Hello Gotham City!" she said with a wide flourish. "My name Is Alyssa Connors. You all know me as 'Mama Gotham.'"

Harvey could see the cameras flashing in her face as every reporter jumped to ask her questions.

Son of a...if Fish didn't kill that girl, he would.


Alyssa was whistling to herself as she came home from the press conference. She threw her purse on a table by the door and shrugged off her coat.

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