Love And Hate

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The bad news was that Oswald's plan to attack at Galavan's party – thrown to 'put past rivalries behind himself and the new mayor' – had gone awry. The fallen king was no missing and not even Alyssa knew were he was, not that she had the time to look, as the failed assassination had not only left Gotham demanding safety from their mayor, but the city's underworld demanding plans from their queen. It seemed Oswald had had kept her marked as his second in command, despite their falling out. Add all this to the usual chaos that filled Alyssa's life, and she barely had time to breathe.

The good news was that Oswald had apparently run into Jim Gordon before his disappearance, and had informed him of what had happened, giving the detective enough suspicions to begin building a case against Galavan – not that it was getting very far, but Alyssa had faith in him.

Meanwhile, she had a job of her own to do. Of course, as she was noticing happened to her a lot, the world had other plans for her that day.

Alyssa cried out in shock as she was yanked into an alley – frankly in a city like this she ought to have been paying better attention, but was far too frazzled to do so. Her screamed, and any further protests, were muffled by a rag placed over her mouth and nose that held the distinct smell of chloroform.

Oh great. She was being kidnapped again.


"Surprise!" a black cloth sack was pulled off her eyes by a joyous voice that had a joyous smile to match.

"Barbara?" Alyssa said, bewildered. Quickly getting her bearings, she discovered they were alone in what looked to be a dressing room. Barbara was wearing a white silk slip that would go under a fancy dress – and said dress was a white bridal gown hanging on the wall to her left. Alyssa herself was tied down to a chair and wearing a two-toned strapless dress with matching heels, and she had no idea how she had gotten into them. She had a lot of questions for the blonde, but settled with the all hitting: "What the hell?!"

"Sorry for the kidnapping." Barbara said idly with a wince. "I know its not a fancy invitation with swirly gold letters but, couldn't get everything I planned." she shrugged.

"Uh, B? Very confused, and tied to a chair here." Alyssa reminded in a clear 'get to the point' tone.

"Isn't it obvious honey?" she said with a wide smile. "You're my maid of honor!"

"I am?" her eyebrows drew together.

"Well who else would I pick? Do you like the dress? It was kinda last minute, I really wish we could've taken the time to pick it out together."

"Okay Barbara I'm flattered, really, but still doesn't explain why I'm tied to a chair. And unless I've been a lot more wrapped up in work than I realized – you're not engaged. I'm very confident you'd have called squealing if you were."

Barbara rolled her eyes. "Again, all kinda last minute. I thought you'd be happy for me." her face fell.

"I'm so sorry that cheering isn't my first instinct after waking up tied to a chair in clothes I wasn't in before." Alyssa said sarcastically.

Huffing, Barbara picked up a switchblade – the one that had been in Alyssa's jacket pocket, not that she knew where her jacket was currently – and sliced the ropes binding her wrist and ankles. "Better?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Much." she stood and rubbed her wrists. "Now then, you're getting married. To whom?"


Barbara hummed a wedding march as she and Alyssa came up the aisle. Barbara was now in full bridal attire, something that Alyssa had helped her with as 'its the whole point of having bridesmaids!'. She also had a shot gun in place of a bouquet, but Alyssa couldn't say that surprised her anymore than the rest of today.

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