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A/N: Picture is Alyssa's painting.

Alyssa hadn't heard from her sister since their original confrontation. She was not about to be the one to seek her out, but she still kept the bodyguards on her in spite of herself. She may not be very happy with Jamie, but that didn't mean she wanted her to fall victim to the city of sins.

All of her friends were worried about her, but they didn't say a word. To her credit, Alyssa was still functioning perfectly. It was just when the word 'Jamie' was mentioned that she threw whatever she had in hand at the speaker.

Right now she was attending the memorial service Falcone was having for Fish. She would have much rather been celebrating with Oswald and Maroni.

"Now Alyssa, I know you and Fish didn't get along." Falcone said, handing her a drink.

"She tried to kill me. More than once."

"I know." he chuckled as though talking about attempted murder was a normal thing. Then again, look who's talking. "But hear me out; I'd like you to take her place."

Alyssa choked on her drink. "E-excuse me?"

"You are a remarkable woman, Alyssa. Powerful, ambitious. You're a good person, but you know how to work this city. I admire that about you."

"Thank you, Don Falcone...."

He nodded. "That's why I want you to take Fish's place as my second. You'll be good for Gotham, Alyssa. Put enough elbow grease into it, you just might change this city for the better."


*nine months ago*

Knock knock knock!

The young boy looked up from the desk he was doing his homework at. The woman in the doorway smiled at him.

"Hello, I'm looking for Gerald Crane?"

"I-I'm his son, Jonathan." he stood. "Who are you?"

"My name's Alyssa Connors." she stepped forward and held out her hand to shake. Jonathan hesitated to do so, but if she noticed she didn't comment on it.

"W-why are you looking f-for my dad?" Jonathan asked, cursing himself for stuttering. But oddly enough, she didn't seem bothered by it like everyone else. She didn't even roll her eyes.

"I'm trying to get teachers to sign this." she pulled a clipboard from under her arm and showed him the petition on it. "Dondilinger's been running out of reasons to keep street kids out of the school. His most recent one is that teachers wouldn't want them in their classes, so I'm trying to prove him wrong."

The petition only had about three signatures, which made Jonathan feel kind of bad for her.

"W-why are you trying to get the street kids into school?"

Alyssa raised an eyebrow. "Taking care of street kids is kinda my MO. Haven't you seen the news lately kid?"

He shook his head. "Dad doesn't like it. S-says there's t-too much bad news."

"Well I like to think of myself as good news. The reporters like to call me 'Mama Gotham.' I've been taking in street kids around the city for over a year now. I put them to work at the businesses I own in exchange for food and a warm bed, but I want more for my kids than to spend their whole lives mopping the floors and busing tables. And the way to do that, is to get them an education." she tapped her clipboard.

Jonathan was fascinated. "So you help them get a better life?"

"Not just them; my corner of the city is open to anyone who needs a safe place to go. As long you pay your dues and don't mess with anything I care about, there's a spot for you at the table."

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