Worth Killing For

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Alyssa Connors liked to believe she was a good person. Not a hero, or a saint by any means, but a good person.

But first and foremost she was a loyal person. You'd never find anyone who loved their family and friends more.

Which was why recent developments posed a difficult situation for her. One one hand, Jerome had killed someone. Going by the marks on the body, he'd kept swinging long after the damage was done. Alyssa could understand many things in the city of Gotham, but she'd never believed in killing in cold blood.

Except that hadn't been the case. Lyla Valeska was a horrible woman who had abused and tormented her son for god knows how long. And she had attacked Alyssa, which was what had been the final straw for Jerome.

That was the most unsettling thing; that he had killed her after she'd attacked her. That he had killed his own mother for Alyssa Connors.

Still, she knew there was more to him. All the things they had been through, the affection and devotion he had shown to her and Selina – he couldn't fake that.

Could he?

Alyssa threw her glass at the wall, and it shattered upon impact, spilling the wine all over the floor. She took a deep breath to steady herself. Now was not the time to let her emotions get the better of her.


She turned around. "Kitten. What are you still doing up?"

"Couldn't sleep...." she looked down.

"You thinking about him too?" Selina nodded, tears coming to her eyes. "Oh, kitten, come're...." she held out her arms for the girl, who was quick to run into them.

"I just don't get it...." she cried into her shoulder. "He's a good person, I know he is. He loves us!"

"Oh honey...." Alyssa pulled back to look at her. "Of course he does. He's just been through a lot of hard stuff. You know how that is, it messes with your head."

"He's not crazy!"

"I know, I know..." she sighed. "His therapist called the other day. Said he's been asking to see us."

"A-Are we gonna go?"

"I don't want you anywhere near that place." she rubbed at Selina's arms. "Its not safe. The guards they –" she shook her head. "They aren't exactly good at their jobs."

"You go down there all the time." she pointed out.

"Because the patients know me. They don't hurt you when they think you're their friend." she sighed. "I'll go myself. Maybe, if it goes well, I'll arrange for you to visit. Okay?"

She nodded. "....Okay."


Alyssa had always been fascinated by Arkham Asylum. Growing up in Gotham, she had developed a strong understanding of human nature and why people did bad things, and Arkham was the epi-center of unusual human nature. Every patient had motive for their criminal acts, reasons why they were the people they were. And admittedly, 9/10 were justified in it. Alyssa had never believed in killing in cold blood, but those who deserved it....meh.

The facility itself however was hardly a place for any of its residents to get 'better.' The rules were loose, the doctors mostly believed in pills and shock therapy, and the guards liked to beat the patients they thought stepped out of line.

Which was why it had been her sort of pet project since it had re-opened. With a little smooth talking to Falcone, he had given her many freedoms in the place. She could fire guards, forbid harsher treatments to her favorite patients, even bring in home-cooked meals – the food they served was disgusting.

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