Dear Alyssa

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Jamie Philips had spent the majority of her life hating Gotham. Even as a child she had never been too fond of the city; the bigger kids at school used to tell horror stories to scare the younger kids – and the worst part was that most of the stories were true.

Aside from that however, she had a complex relationship with the city. This was where she had been born, where her original family had lived and eventually fallen apart. Not that it hadn't been on rocky ground from the start; she knew that now. It was still difficult to not see memories of another life in these streets, and it was hard to know where Jamie Connors stopped and Jamie Philips began.

But they were the same person really, even if they had almost nothing in common. Jamie Connors had been a naive little girl who did not notice the terrible world she lived in because she was too busy playing in make-believe worlds of her own. Jamie Philips was the child who'd been jolted out of that dream and bombarded by everything all at once.

She had been adopted by a couple unable to have children almost immediately. Slowly but surely Jamie Connors and everything about her was forgotten, and she settled into her new life.

She couldn't hide from the past forever though, especially since she'd learned she had the story all wrong. That was one of the reasons why she'd asked to do her residency at Gotham General, giving her the chance to return to the city of sin. Jamie was very proud of the med-school path she was on, and the part of her that was still the innocent little child liked the idea of bringing healing into a city of so much hurt.

She was also excited to see her big sister. Since their rekindling, Jamie and Alyssa had been doing their best to figure out a healthy sister relationship. Alyssa called Jamie at school every Thursday, Jamie sent pictures of herself and her friends at college, and they even made plans for the occasional weekend visit.

Now she was returning to the city for at least until future notice. Her sister, both knowing her way around the city and being it's mayor, had arranged an apartment near the hospital for her and Jamie while apprehensive, was ecstatic.

The apartment was just a simple studio apartment, but Jamie was practically jumping up and down to decorate it. Her sister being the artist, she helped put her ideas into place, as well as surprise her with a painting she had done specifically for Jamie's wall.

 Her sister being the artist, she helped put her ideas into place, as well as surprise her with a painting she had done specifically for Jamie's wall

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It was immediately hung above the couch, and the two stepped back to admire it. "I'm really glad we're doing this." Jamie smiled at her sister.

"Me too." Alyssa smiled back.

"So, catch me up on things! How's being mayor?"

"You know how people used to complain about the government in this city not doing anything? Apparently doing things is harder than it looks."

"Well you choose a career in politics." Jamie said, walking towards the kitchen area and pulling a pair of beers out of the fridge. "You had to know it'd be a thankless job."

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