Alyssa Connors

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Alyssa was actually getting along rather well with Alfred and Bruce. Over the last week and a half, things had actually been peaceful and quiet for once, something Alyssa could say she'd never experienced in Gotham.

She was still very much running her businesses, but she found herself enjoying the sit down meals and never ending questions from the small billionaire.

Of course, no matter how much he asked, she couldn't tell Bruce everything. But she liked someone taking a positive interest in her work; no one besides the kids she took care of ever had.

"How did you come to start your work?" Bruce asked one day.

Alyssa blinked. "I...."

"Y-you don't have to answer if you don't want to." he said, worried he'd overstepped his boundaries. Alyssa, he was coming to discover, like her daughter had a lot of things she didn't like to talk about.

"No, its fine, I just...I haven't thought about that night in while...." she bit her lip. "I wasn't much older than you actually. I ran away from home. I was scared out of my mind, and ended up running to a friend's house; a place I had never been. But, I knew that he would let me in, and I'd be safe. On the way there though...I saw a lot of kids out in the streets. Lots of them were younger than me, in ratty clothes, messy hair. And, all those kids, in all those streets, I just....I wanted them to have somewhere to go too."


Alyssa was coming around the corner, finally finished with her paperwork, when she saw Alfred in the front room with....oh crap.

"Alfred, is everything alright?" Bruce and Selina had come halfway down the stairs.

"No, master Bruce, this lady's been involved in a car accident."

"Kids, run." Alyssa ordered, her voice somewhat shaky. The woman looked up upon hearing her voice and smirked when she saw her. "Run!"

They both took off back up the stairs, but the woman went after Alyssa. Alyssa was strong, buts he was out of practice when it came to fighting, and had no time to grab the knife she kept in her jacket.

Alfred tried to help her, but the woman had back up. Once they were both down for a while, they went after the kids. Alfred and Alyssa weren't about to let that happen, and were quick to follow him.

Alyssa was so consumed with worry that she couldn't think clearly, which was probably why she ended up with a bullet in her leg.

"Local PD's searching the woods, but so far no sign of Bruce, or Selina." Jim reported while Alyssa was glaring at the poor man trying to patch her up. "What can you tell me about this woman?"

He'd asked Alfred, but it was Alyssa who answered. "Her name's Tabitha Galavan. She's her older brother Theo's muscle. Anything she does is nearly always under his orders, but he does like to lend her for hire."

"You sound like you know them well."

"No need to sound so suspicious boy scout; they aren't friends." she shoved the doctor away. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got things to do."

"Look, we've got fifty police in the woods, even more on the roads, we need to focus on this woman and her people; what can you tell me about her?" Jim insisted.

"They were trained killers." Alfred spoke up. "And Ms. Connors and her bloody little girl brought them here."

"We don't know that yet."

"Its alright boy scout, he's right." Alyssa informed. "Live in this city long enough, you're bound to make a few enemies. But don't worry Jeeves, Selina can keep your boy safe."

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