Where My Demons Hide

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A/N: *Spoiler alert if you haven't seen the most recent episode of Gotham!* So I tried to imagine Alyssa in that episode, but I couldn't, and I figured out why: it doesn't follow the plot line. Not only did Jerome not die in this story, therefore there's no reason to bring him back, he was too busy worrying about shooting Alyssa at the GCPD to make that tape that started the cult in the first place. Ergo, no cult, no dead Jerome, no resurrection. I do have plans for my own season 3 plot line, that I may or may not be hinting at in this chapter. See if you can catch it!  

Alyssa had stubbornly refused to leave Nora's side in the holding cell she was placed in. She threatened Barnes that she'd have him fired if he tried to get her away, and the man decided he had more pressing matters than the eccentric mayor.

"You don't have to stay, you know." Nora said weakly.

"You shouldn't be alone." Alyssa said firmly. "I don't abandon my friends in times of need."

She managed a small smile. "Thank you."

Nora hadn't spoken of it, but Alyssa knew she was shaken by what her husband had been up to. Alyssa was too; until a few hours ago, she'd have sworn Victor Fries wouldn't hurt a fly. Then again, the level of love he had for his wife was clear as day – and she knew first hand the damage love could do.

"That man keeps staring at us." Nora changed the subject.

Frowning, Alyssa followed her eyeline and huffed when she saw who she was talking about. "Doesn't surprise me...."

"Who is he?"

"Edward, his name's Edward." she informed shortly. "And um, we were together. That's all I wanna say about it."

Nora studied the man across the precinct, who had notice he'd been caught staring and had averted his gaze to the files in his hands. "....He's cute."

"Yes, he is. Change the subject, please."

She looked to her friend with a frown. Alyssa's expression was one of pain and Nora felt the urge to comfort her, but she could tell this wasn't a topic she was comfortable with.

They both looked up as the cell door was opened.

"Dr. Thompkins." Alyssa frowned.

"Madame Mayor." Lee nodded. "Captain Barnes has decided to transfer Mrs. Fries to the medical wing at Arkham. I assume you'll be joining us for the journey?"

"Arkham?" she looked at her incredulously. "Barnes can't be that idiotic."

"Its not your place to question my competency Ms. Connors." Barnes came up behind her, his 'strike force' suiting up behind him.

"Actually it is." she glared at him.

"Arkham is a tighter place to guard." he explained with a tried look. "Fries comes in looking for his wife, we got 'im right where we want him."

Alyssa glanced over her shoulder at the weakening woman. Nora was unlikely to make it through the night; both she and Alyssa knew it. Stalling Victor's retrieval of her was likely to mean her life.

"Its okay, Alyssa." she said weakly. "Its okay..."


Alyssa had had a bad feeling about Hugo Strange from day one, but when she and the group arrived at Arkham and the inmates in the recreation room didn't even look up, she was concerned. Until now, there hadn't been a day they didn't rush the gate at her arrival. Skimming over the group, she recognized several of them – including Oswald, who didn't seem himself – but didn't see Jerome. Today was supposed to be one of her visit days, but with the trouble over Victor and Nora, she hadn't gotten away.

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