As The Crooked Smiles Fade

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*Eleven years ago*

Being the trouble-maker she was, it wasn't surprising that Alyssa Connors often found herself being taken in by one of the GCPD's officers. That was how she'd met Sarah Essen infact. She had just started as a regular grunt worker a week ago, and being new to Gotham she had a lot to learn.

Lesson #1: Don't waste your time arresting Alyssa Connors.

"What did I do again?" the teenager asked the woman dragging her by her handcuffed arm.

"You broke several laws, including underage drinking, you resisted arrest, and you piss me off." she informed, moving to unlock the holding cell.

"Hmm. Well I can get out of these you know."

"Funny." Essen said sarcastically. Alyssa held up the handcuff that she had put on her, unlocked and dangling from her fingertips. The officer snatched them. "How'd you do that?"

"Friend of mine taught me, Zatanna, she's a magician." Alyssa said with a fond grin. "I also know how to pick cards and saw somebody in half!"

Essen huffed and grabbed her by the arm, shoving her into the holding cell. She locked the door behind her and smirked. "Lets see ya get outta that."

"Okay. Harvey!"

The officer jumped at the sudden shout. She glanced around to see that she was the only one who had – and that one of the detectives that she had met briefly was making his way over.

"Again? Connors, one day you're gonna land yourself in trouble and I'm not gonna be here to bail you out. What are ya gonna do then?"

"Wait for you to get back." Alyssa said, shrugging as though it were the simplest thing in the world. "And its not my fault this place hired another moralistic newbie."

"Hey!" Essen exclaimed.

"Oh you know what you are!" she waved her off.


*Three months later*

Over time, Alyssa developed a love-hate relationship with Sarah Essen. It was similar to the arrangement she had with Harvey; They argued and caused each other trouble, but when their backs went against the wall, they were there for each other.

Unlike Harvey however, Essen was still trying to set Alyssa straight. She had been in Gotham a while now, and was 'with the program' but that didn't stop her from reprimanding Alyssa anytime someone dragged her in.

"Don't make me hear the speech again!" the teen whined. "Its the same thing everytime; you're so predictable!"

"I am not predictable!"

"Yes you are! Every time I get dragged in here, you tell me: 'Alyssa, you can't keep doing this! Even in Gotham crimes add up and your gonna end up in Blackgate!'"

"....That doesn't not sound like me..."

"Exactly." she nodded. "You gotta loosen up! Maybe I ought to set you up with somebody."

"Please don't."

"What are you two arguing about now?" Harvey asked as he came up to them. He had two donuts in his hand, and he handed one to Alyssa.

"The fact that Alyssa thinks she gets special treatment around here." Essen glared at Harvey, as he was the main source of said treatment.

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